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It was quite as evident, too, that the criminal riff-raff of this world and hour found lodging in the lower city, as did its aristocracy in The Pleiad. "A couple of hundred such as these," Bedient reflected, "led by some cool devil of a humorist, could loot the Antilles and get away before the intervention of the States. What an army of incorrigibles an industrious adventurer could recruit here!"

But to avoid feeding useless mouths, the finest men were enrolled as soldiers the British government, ever in advance of others, applying a law of compulsory service, unlimited in period, to their case. The recruiting service once satisfied, the rest of the poor devils were turned, willy-nilly, into "free labourers," and the greater part of them were sent as such to the British Antilles.

Amid such varied changes of life and scene, our three weeks' voyage from Teneriffe to Barbados passed quickly and pleasantly enough, all hands being surprised one fine morning when we cast anchor in Carlisle Bay, the harbour of `Little England, as the Barbadians proudly style their happy island, which is of the same size and shape nearly as the Isle of Wight and is the gem of the Antilles!

The fruits of several trees of the Antilles are often washed ashore on the coasts of the islands of Ferro and Gomera. Before the discovery of America, the Canarians considered these fruits as coming from the enchanted isle of St.

Preparations for another voyage rapidly made Foneseca appointed to superintend the expedition Indians brought home baptised Fleet sails from Bay of Cadiz on the 25th of September, 1493 Steers for the Canaries Ordered to rendezvous at Navidad Fine passage across the Atlantic On Sunday, 3rd of November, a lofty island seen, and therefore called Dominica The Antilles Lands near a Carib village Pineapples first seen Supposed cannibals Diego Marques and eight men missing Ojeda goes in search of them The missing party returns Land at Santa Cruz Caribs in a canoe fiercely attack the Spaniards Fleet comes off Porto Rico A neat village visited Fleet reaches Hispamola Invitations from a cacique to remain A supposed Indian convert escapes Two dead bodies of white men discovered Painful suspicions aroused Fleet arrives off La Navidad at night Canoe comes off, and Columbus hears of the destruction of the settlement Sails from La Navidad and founds the town of Isabella Expedition of Ojeda to the Golden Mountains Ships sent home Proposal to exchange Caribs for cattle A mutiny suppressed Diaz imprisoned Columbus makes an expedition into the interior Forts built Columbus proceeds on a voyage of discovery Surveys south coast of Cuba Friendly meeting with natives Enters the harbour of Jago de Cuba First sight of Jamaica, called by Columbus Santiago Hostility of the natives Attacked by the Spaniards Bloodhounds first used Canoes formed of enormous trees.

Sugar, tobacco, and other tropical products have made fortunes for Cuba every year, only to have them stolen by Spanish officeholders, sent there to plunder all they could get their hands upon. With peace assured, the opportunities for the extension of industries in the "Pearl of the Antilles" will be enormous.

When the enemy have appeared, the Negroes have always been those who have defended it with the most effect. But unhappily, there, as in the Antilles, persons are already to be found, who are inclined to hold out their hands to the English. At Louis there are some palm-trees, and the lantara flabelliformis. Some little gardens have been made; but a cabbage, or a salad, are still of some value.

He entered every house to enquire of possible complaints; he took the first census, and laid out three villages near Quebec. His plans for the future were vaster still: he recommended the king to buy or conquer the districts of Orange and Manhattan; moreover, according to Abbé Ferland, he dreamed of connecting Canada with the Antilles in commerce.

At the time of the first deportation of Africans to the West Indies to replace the aborigines who had been decimated in the mines at Santo Domingo and in the pearl fisheries of the South Caribbean, the circumstances of the Spanish settlers in the Antilles were of singular, even romantic, interest.

The vague and inexplicit suggestions of the Spanish note could not be accepted, the only reply being to present as a virtual ultimatum a draft of protocol embodying the precise terms tendered to Spain in our note of July 30, with added stipulations of detail as to the appointment of commissioners to arrange for the evacuation of the Spanish Antilles.