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"I don't know," ses Gerty. "I couldn't tell you if you paid me. I must 'ave taken a wrong turning. Oh, hurrah! Here's a cab!" Afore George could stop 'er she held up 'er umbrella, and a 'ansom cab, with bells on its horse, crossed the road and pulled up in front of 'em. Ted nipped in first and Gerty followed 'im. "Tell 'im the address, dear, and make 'aste and get in," ses Gerty.

He would run after the carriage, however far. "Don't be a silly. You'll have to take a 'ansom and tell the driver to follow see?" Yes, oh, yes, of course. He would do so. He trembled with excessive nervousness, and but for the sharp, contemptuous directions given him by Miss Sparkes must have hopelessly bungled the undertaking.

You clear away smart, my girl, and then whistle for a 'ansom. Do you hear me? A 'ansom, not a four-wheeler. Look as sharp as you can, my girl, and I'll give you sixpence." "Thank you, sir," said Tildy. She looked with admiring eyes at the pair who were so close to the matrimonial venture, and quickly removed all traces of the meal.

"Look here, young man," said a breezy costermonger to whom he had appealed, "I think you had better take a 'ansom for the 'orse will know more about London than you seem to do. There's one 'andy." "That is an idea," said Godfrey, and entered the cab, giving the address of Grosvenor Square. "What number?" asked the driver. "I don't know," replied Godfrey, "the Ball, Grosvenor Square."

"Why, of course it would. But look at the position! A four-wheeler's a respectable conveyance, and the driver of it's a respectable man, but you can't say that of a rattling, splashing 'ansom. Any boy would do for that job. Now, to my mind money hain't to be compared to position, whatever a man's trade may be." "Certainly not!" I answered.

She naterally blushed and answered: "Ansom." That was too much for me. I took her round her waist and whispered I wont tell you what. She shook her head so that the ringlets fell downall over her neck like the ashes from a tobaccy pipe, and in a mighty reprovin' manner said: "Artemus Ward, I am a poetess!" "Is it Mrs.

"Got down to the last ditch down to the point of desperation, eh?" "Yuss. So would you if you 'ad a fing inside you tearin' and tearin' like I 'ave. Aren't et a bloomin' crumb since the day before yusterday at four in the mawnin' when a gent in an 'ansom drunk as a lord, he was treated me and a parcel of others to a bun and a cup of corfy at a corfy stall over 'Ighgate way.

But Mary Quince enlivened my toilet with eloquent descriptions of the youthful Captain whom she had met in the gallery, on his way to his room, with the servant, and told me how he stopped to let her pass, and how 'he smiled so 'ansom. I was very young then, you know, and more childish even than my years; but this talk of Mary Quince's interested me, I must confess, considerably.

I'd given her previous the infamation of my departure doing the ansom thing by her at the same time paying her back 20 lb., which she'd lent me 6 months before: and paying her back not only the interest, but I gave her an andsome pair of scissars and a silver thimbil, by way of boanus. 'Mary Hann, says I, 'suckimstancies has haltered our rellatif positions in life. Would you bleave it?

Don't you be in sech a 'urry as if you was a 'ansom, now," cried the footman, reappearing at the farther end of the hall. "I should be sorry if there was a mistake, and you wasn't man enough to put your boxes up again without assistance." Then, turning to Mary, "Mrs.