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But I bare no mallis infamation is infamation, and it doesn't matter where the infamy comes from; and whether the Dairy be from that distinguished pen to which it is ornarily attributed whether, I say, it comes from a lady of honor to the late quean, or a scullion to that diffunct majisty, no matter: all we ask is nollidge; never mind how we have it.

As he wisht to micks with the very chicest sosiaty, and git the best of infamation about this country, Munseer Jools of coarse went and lodgd in Lester Square Lester Squarr, as he calls it which, as he was infommed in the printed suckular presented to him by a very greasy but polite comishner at the Custumus Stares, was in the scenter of the town, contiggus to the Ouses of Parlyment, the prinsple theayters, the parx, St.

And he wrote off all the infamation he got to his newspaper. "The Lord Maire, Lord Lansdowne, is Premier Ministre. His Grace has his dwelling in the City. The Archbishop of Cantabery is not turned Quaker, as some people stated. Quakers may not marry, nor sit in the Chamber of Peers.

I'd given her previous the infamation of my departure doing the ansom thing by her at the same time paying her back 20 lb., which she'd lent me 6 months before: and paying her back not only the interest, but I gave her an andsome pair of scissars and a silver thimbil, by way of boanus. 'Mary Hann, says I, 'suckimstancies has haltered our rellatif positions in life. Would you bleave it?

'My goo' frien', says he, and at the first word I pricked my ears, 'my goo' frien', will you oblishe me with lil neshary infamation? Whish roa' t' Cramond? I laughed out clear and loud, stepped up to the convivialist, took him by the shoulders and faced him about.

This was the way Jools passed his days, and got infamation about Hengland and the Henglish walking round and round Lester Squarr all day, and every day with the same company, occasionally dewussified by an Oprer Chorus-singer or a Jew or two, and every afternoon in the Quadrant admiring the genteal sosiaty there.