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"Hallo, Jean," he cried, "are you going to leave us?" "Not I, M'sieu Anderton," said the trapper with a grin. "I go wid you to Fort Malsun to help you look after Chigmok an' zee odders. But I zee team sold to M'sieu Stane, an' he goes to zee Engleesh Mission." "To the English Mission!"

It would be folly not to use the opportunity he represents." "So I should think if I were in your shoes," laughed Anderton, joining in the laughter. "And Jean says he laughs like an angel," cried Helen gaily. "I want to see him, naturally. I have never seen an angel laugh!" "But I have! And so has Stane," replied the policeman. "How soon do you take the trail to Paradise?

Jean Bènard, or I'm a sinner!" Jean Bènard it was, and his face lighted with pleasure as he staggered into the camp. "I fear for you, m'sieu," he said to Stane in simple explanation, "therefore I come. Bo'jour, M'sieu Anderton, dis ees a good meeting on zee bad day! But dat surely dat ees Chigmok? An' zee mees where ees she?" Stane waved a hand towards the lake.

Behind the bed in his room was discovered a door which led to a dark closet, and there were the types and a press, and heaps of Jacobite literature. Anderton was found guilty of treason, and paid the penalty of death for his crime. In 1695 the Press was emancipated from its thraldom, and the office of licenser ceased to exist.

The Ministers were much mistaken if they flattered themselves that the fate of Anderton would deter others from imitating his example. His execution produced several pamphlets scarcely less virulent than those for which he had suffered.

"More so than you know, Ainley," answered Anderton quickly. "Stane, let Ainley have a look at that piece of paper you carry about with you." A moment later Stane had opened the oilskin packet, and was unfolding the sheet of note-paper.

The two who heard him, looking at his resolute face, had no doubt that he would keep his word, and as each reflected what he must have been through, neither was sorry for Gerald Ainley or had any compunction at the thought of what might happen to him. The meal was finished without any further reference to the past, and after a smoke, Anderton threw on his furs and went outside.

James Anderton was seated in the Italian parlor with the two ancient hostesses when Halcyone at last came into their midst. They had evidently exhausted all possible topics of conversation and were extremely glad of an interruption.

"This would be the place where the man, who was to have paid the kidnappers their price, waited for them." "And paid them in lead, no doubt with the idea of covering his own tracks completely." "That seems likely," agreed Stane. "But who " Anderton broke off suddenly and leaped to his feet. "Great Christopher! Look there!"

And the nicest people. You've heard me speak of Miss Anderton, of Bath. She is Mrs. Capron married half a year ago. And they're just going to Egypt for a year, and what do you think? I'm going with them." Rosamund's voice sunk and faltered. She stood holding Bertha's hands, and gazing into her face with eyes which grew large as if in a distressful appeal. "To Egypt?" "Yes.