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He has many bright thoughts, and many things are well worth reading in him for improvement of the moral character; but his elocution is, for the most part, corrupt, and the more dangerous because its vices are of a sweet and alluring nature. One could wish he had written with his own genius and another's judgment.

We may almost say that a man should do so as a matter of course, that the thing so offered becomes absolutely valueless by the offer, that the woman who can make it has put herself out of court by her own abandonment of the privileges due to her as a woman, that stern rebuke and even expressed contempt are justified by such conduct, and that the fairest beauty and most alluring charms of feminine grace should lose their attraction when thus tendered openly in the market.

I do also think that as to this, there was a great expression in it; I mean, a voice of God, a voice that teacheth the New Testament church to carry even conviction in her outward usages that, I say, might give conviction to the world. And besides this of its enlarging upwards, there was such an outward beauty and glory put upon it, as was alluring to beholders.

The men who were massed behind the breastworks of Breed Hill were innocent of uniform, of the bright attire that makes the soldier's life alluring, innocent even of any distinction between officer and private, or, if the words seem too formal for so raw a force, between the men who were in command and the men who were commanded.

The boats in the river, the long switch-tracks of the railroads, the tall grain-elevators, the low warehouses from which drifted alluring odors of spices linked for James Thorold the older city of his youth with the newer one of his age as the street linked one division of the city's geography with another.

With a great cry of relief he yielded to the alluring thought. Up flew his arms above his head and he felt so warm and cheerful! Something struck his outstretched hand and the fingers closed upon it. For a minute they gripped the swinging piece of rope. Then he opened his eyes to find he was hanging to a flimsy Jacob's ladder, suspended from the stern.

For fourteen miles we travelled, hungry and tired, beyond the alluring clump of trees, along the wild desert of hot sand without a habitation; the only portion of truth in the Faky's description was the "lovely view of the river," that certainly accompanied us throughout our journey.

"My dear fellow, your description is not alluring," remarked Malcolm, wondering what all this meant. "Oh, I am telling you the worst; it really is a lovely old place.

"One plan occurred to me," continued Albert; "Franz likes all that is eccentric; I tried to make him fall in love with Mademoiselle Danglars; but in spite of four letters, written in the most alluring style, he invariably answered: 'My eccentricity may be great, but it will not make me break my promise."

The sound of music, alluring, enticing, came faintly to his ears; the lights signalled frantically and the wily city smiled her invitation more urgently than ever before and then that compelling voice of a conscience that responded to the inviolable faith of his little hero-worshipper "Smith wouldn't do anything " The door burst open violently. "Ready, old Pal?"