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He alluded to the backsliders with an ironical jest, preferring to believe that they were the losers. But Schwarz was of a diametrically opposite nature. In the short, thickset man, with the all-seeing eyes, and the head of carefully waved hair, just streaked with grey a head at once too massive and too fine for the clumsy body in Schwarz, dwelt a fierce and indomitable pride.

It was as though those who had insisted on the derivation of all forms of the steam- engine from the common kettle, and who saw that this stands in much the same relations to the engines, we will say, of the Great Eastern steamship as the amoeba to man, were to declare that the Great Eastern engines were not designed at all, on the ground that no one in the early kettle days had foreseen so great a future development, and were unable to understand that a piecemeal solvitur ambulando design is more omnipresent, all-seeing, and all-searching, and hence more truly in the strictest sense design, than any speculative leap of fancy, however bold and even at times successful.

He heareth and seeth, and He, in truth, is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. How very strange that they discern not between the trustworthy and the treacherous!

For it will soon be necessary to direct attention to certain secret transactions of an important nature in which the Queen was engaged, and which were even hidden from the all-seeing eye of Walsingham although shrewdly suspected both by that statesman and by Leicester but which were most influential in modifying her policy at that moment towards the Netherlands.

"They should not," replied her father; "but as they invariably do, the speculation is one outside our immediate concern. "My father is all-seeing," replied Fa Fei in a commendable spirit of dutiful acquiescence, and also because it seemed useless to deny the circumstance. "It is unnecessary," said Thang-li.

His pride in his own sin, his loveless awe of God, told him that his offence was too grievous to be atoned for in whole or in part by a false homage to the All-seeing and All-knowing. Well now, Ennis, I declare you have a head and so has my stick! Do you mean to say that you are not able to tell me what a surd is? The blundering answer stirred the embers of his contempt of his fellows.

Yet to the all-seeing eye, to the all-comprehending brain to that omniscience whom some call God, be it in Trinity or in Unity, and others know not what to call these are the women who lift immeasurably above fame, infinitely above repute.

I suppose if I were a patient he would favour me with an all-seeing gaze out of those Irish-Scotch barbarian eyes of his, but as it is" her voice was slightly petulant "I believe I shall have to do as Arthur has: make up some symptoms and go over to his office." "If you do you'll get precisely the same treatment I presume Arthur had." Mrs. Chester laughed as she spoke.

To see 'those two' in so unlikely a spot was quite a merciful 'pick-me-up. At the MacAnder, like all London, Time pauses. This small but remarkable woman merits attention; her all-seeing eye and shrewd tongue were inscrutably the means of furthering the ends of Providence. With an air of being in at the death, she had an almost distressing power of taking care of herself.

There is surely some nobler end for man, and as you have given much study to the works and ways and reputed words of the All-seeing One, I want you to aid me in helping men to look upward to soar like the eagle above the things of earth, as well as to consider the interests of others, and so, as far as may be, unlearn selfishness. Will you join me for this end?"