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She declared at last that if he would not get out and ask she would do it herself, and at this the dry little man jerked the reins in spite of her, and the horse suddenly pulled the carry-all to the right, and seemed about to overset it. "Oh, what are you doing, Albe't? "Mrs. Lander lamented, falling helpless against the back of her seat. "Haven't I always told you to speak to the hoss fust?"

I do hope Albe't won't hang round half the day before he brings her; I like to have a thing ova." Lander wandered about looking for the girl through the parlors and the piazzas, and then went to the office to ask what had become of her. The landlord came out of his room at his question to the clerk. "Oh, I guess she's round in my wife's room, Mr. Landa.

"Yes'm," said Clementina. She went out, and shortly after Lander came in with a sort of hopeful apathy in his face. Mrs. Lander turned her head on her pillow, and so confronted him. "Albe't, what made you want me to see that child?" Lander must have perceived that his wife meant business, and he came to it at once. "I thought you might take a fancy to her, and get her to come and live with us."

Seems to think that the smell o' the wood, whether it's green or it's dry, is goin' to cure him, and he can't git too much of it." "Well, I believe it's so, Albe't!" cried Mrs. Lander, as if her husband had disputed the theory with his taciturn back. He made no other sign of controversy, and the man in the hay-field went on.

"And you didn't speak about havin' her come to live with us?" "No." "Well, why in the land didn't you say so before, Albe't?" "You didn't ask me. What do you want I should say to her now?" "Say to who?" "The gul. She's down in the pahlor, waitin'." "Well, of all the men!" cried Mrs. Lander.

"What woman alta what?" "Your polonaise. The one whe'e we stopped yestaday." "Oh! Well, I've been thinkin' about that child, Albe't; I did before I went to sleep; and I don't believe I want to risk anything with her. It would be a ca'e," said Mrs. Lander with a sigh, "and I guess I don't want to take any moa ca'e than what I've got now. What makes you think she could alta my polonaise?"

They did make that polonaise of mine too tight after all I said, and I've been thinkin' how I could get it alt'ed; but I presume there ain't a seamstress to be had around he'e for love or money. Well, now, that's right, Albe't; I'm glad to see you doin' it." Lander had opened the lid of the bureau box, and uncorked a bottle from it, and tilted this to his lips.

Lander, and she was so taken by the girl's art and grace in getting to her feet and fading into the background of the hallway without visibly casting any detail of her raiment, that she was not aware of her husband's starting up the horse in time to stop him. They were fairly under way again, when she lamented, "What you doin', Albe't? Whe'e you goin'?" "I'm goin' to South Middlemount.

"Don't take too much," she cautioned him, "or you'll lose the effects. When I take too much of a medicine, it's wo'se than nothing, as fah's I can make out. When I had that spell in Thomasville spring before last, I believe I should have been over it twice as quick if I had taken just half the medicine I did. You don't really feel anyways bad about the heat, do you, Albe't?"

That night she talked along time about their afternoon's adventure before she allowed him to go to sleep. She said she must certainly see the child again; that they must drive down there in the morning, and ask her all about herself. "Albe't," she concluded; "I wish we had her to live with us. Yes, I do! I wonder if we could get her to. You know I always did want to adopt a baby."