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"That's just it," she said, with an answering laziness and indifference. "If he had been expecting you, possibly it mightn't hurt him in the least to see you. But Doctor Baring Hartley specially enjoined on me to keep him quite quiet at any rate till we got to Assouan. Any shock, even one of pleasure, must be avoided." "Really? I'm afraid from that that he must really be pretty bad."

"I don't think of that, Timothy. She is a sweet child, and I love her almost as much as if she were my own. As for Jack, he perfectly idolizes her." "And how does Aunt Rachel look upon her?" "I am afraid she will never be a favorite with Rachel." "Rachel never took to children much. It isn't her way. Now, Mary, while you are sewing, I will read you the news."

The night was a bright one, but there was a heavy sea running, and even in the harbor the boat was rocking. Mr. Coulson groaned as he made his way across the threshold of the cabin. "I am going to have a horrible time," he said frankly. "I am afraid you'll repent your offer before you've done with me." His new friend smiled.

Well, as a general rule, I should advise you to put personal feelings entirely out of the question; but, as this is your first case, perhaps it would be just as well for you to have me with you, and let me hum well, let me take the jury." "Alexander! do you think I am afraid of Mr. Pope?"

You gorge the bread and meat I earn by sweating and freezing, and you keep your sluggish mountain of bones covered. A year or two ago I'd have urged you along with a stick. I used to get some work out of you then. But you think you're too big for that, now, don't you? You fancy I'm afraid of your bigness, eh? Well, do you want me to try it out? What about it?"

I will go with him, and with the Professors for they had better come too: each will hear what the other says, and we will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I am, as you know, a persona grata at Court; I will say that I advised your son's action. The King has liked him ever since he was a boy, and I am not much afraid about what he will do.

Johns watched me coolly from under lowered eyelids. The stewardess openly scowled. And Mrs. Turner rose hastily, and glanced at Mrs. Johns, as if in doubt. Elsa had her back to me, and was busy with the cups. "I'm afraid you've had a bad night," I said. "A very bad night," Mrs. Turner replied stiffly. "Delirium?" "Very marked. He has talked of a white figure we cannot quite make it out.

Lionel, who liked bright colors, was charmed at the effect; and altogether she set out in good spirits for the walk down the Pass, though she was prepared to be afraid of Rose, of whose brilliancy she had heard a little too much to make the idea of meeting her quite comfortable. The party had just gathered in the sitting-room as they entered.

Lydia the humiliation, the misery she was bringing on them all, soon swallowed up every private care; and covering her face with her handkerchief, Elizabeth was soon lost to everything else; and, after a pause of several minutes, was only recalled to a sense of her situation by the voice of her companion, who, in a manner which, though it spoke compassion, spoke likewise restraint, said, "I am afraid you have been long desiring my absence, nor have I anything to plead in excuse of my stay, but real, though unavailing concern.

When the last of her foes had bitten the dust, she calmly remounted her pony, and with the Deacon's Maggie in her lap rode, at a leisurely pace, across the ford. "Good-by, lads," she said, nodding her head at them over her shoulder; "ye needn't be afraid. I won't tell on you." To have been routed by a woman was a terrible humiliation to the valiant Sons of the Vikings.