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Rosamund was inattentive to the conversational slipshod, and launched one of the heavy affirmatives which are in dialogue full stops. Shrapnel. A silly pretty puss of a girl would not have excited it, nor an avowed blood-relative of the demagogue. Nevil's hotel was pointed out to Rosamund, and she left her card there. He had been absent since eight in the morning.

Now and then he would move to the other side of the mountain, and look over upon Orta; or with the opera-glass clasped in one hand beneath an arm, he stopped in his sentinel-march, frowning reflectively at a word put to him, as if debating within upon all the bearings of it; but the only answer that came was a sharp assent, given after the manner of one who dealt conscientiously in definite affirmatives; and again the glass was in requisition.

'Are ye a friend? or are ye a foe? was heard repeatedly, and consequences to the career of the respondent, on his choice of affirmatives to either of these two interrogations, emphatically detailed. It was likewise asked, in reference to the row at the gentlemen's end: 'Why doan' they stand up and have 't out? 'They talks, they speechifies why doan' they fight for 't, and then be friendly?

The telephone bell whirred and Mac closed his mouth abruptly on his third consecutive yawn and sprang to the instrument. We sat and watched. There was some little trouble on the line at first, common in party lines where outside bells sometimes ring and the owners have to be pacified. Then "Oh yes" "Yes, I hear you Yes" and a long unintelligible series of affirmatives in different keys.

I tried to stop him. Ottilia rose, continually assenting, with short affirmatives, to his glorifying interrogations a method he had of recapitulating the main points. She glanced to right and left, as if she felt caged. 'Is it known? I heard her ask, in the half audible strange voice which had previously made me tremble. 'Known?

There was a pause, during which her composure began to be restored, and some inquiries whether she were quite recovered; to which she replied with eager affirmatives, feeling indeed quite herself again, now that all was in its familiar state around her. Then this strange suitor spoke again. "It is a hard and cruel fate that my Lady has sought to impose on you." "Oh, do not say so, sir I "

"All in favor of changing our plans, and trying to rescue the lost balloonist right now, say yes," the scoutmaster demanded, in as firm a tone as he could muster. A chorus of affirmatives rang out; some of the boys were a little weak in the reply they made, for it came with an awful wrench; but so far as Paul could decide the response was unanimous. He smiled then.

Those affirmatives are fat worms for the catching of fish. They are the real pretty fruit of the Hesperides. Personally, you or I may be irritated by them: but I'm not sure they don't please us. Were Carlo a woman, of course he should learn to say no; as he will now if I ask him, Is she in sight?

And from the chorus of affirmatives it was evident that few of the troop would be abed when the "World's Mightiest, Most Magnificent Combination of Clever Animals and Human Skill and Daring" rumbled through town.