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'One of the real right sort, says I. 'Then see here, says he, 'I'll tell you something: the head man of that there gang is at this minute a-sitting yarning with your boss in the parlour. 'The devil! says I. 'Is so, says he, 'and no flies. So I sings out, 'Mr.

Why, I thought you was more account when I saw you last night a-sitting talking with His Honor like his equal. Well, no matter; 'tis something to have a brisk, genteel young fellow for a supercargo. So come, my hearty, lend a hand, will you, and help me set His Honor's cabin to rights."

O'Hare followed a small brook, and after a while the old gentleman rabbit heard a bird singing: "I saw a little rabbit A-sitting by a tree, And I should say he'd lost his way That's how he looked to me." "Where did you see him?" asked Uncle Lucky excitedly. But what the little bird replied you must wait to hear in the next story.

"Yes, so it seems," said Bob sarcastically; "a-sitting there like a gent, and letting me do everything." "Well, let me pull one oar." "No, I can do it, and you shall have some bragfuss presently. I don't want to be took, because you've stole a boat."

In a very short time a mug of ale and a paper cylinder of shag appeared on the table before the old man. "Wot put me in mind o' your being a conjurer," said the latter, filling his pipe after a satisfying draught from the mug, "is that you're uncommon like one that come to Claybury some time back and give a performance in this very room where we're now a-sitting.

In a very short time a mug of ale and a paper cylinder of shag appeared on the table before the old man. "Wot put me in mind o' your being a conjurer," said the latter, filling his pipe after a satisfying draught from the mug, "is that you're uncommon like one that come to Claybury some time back and give a performance in this very room where we're now a-sitting.

"What had he to do with me?" she asked, astonished. "I just saw you stand there, and him a-sitting, but a voice in my own heart seemed to say " "What?" "It was one of my revelations. If I tell you, you won't believe it. Howsomever, I think it's my duty to tell you, although you may tell your folks, and they may persecute me."

And when we got there, there was the prisoner a-sitting against the bush where I found the child; and she cried out when she saw us, but she never offered to move. She'd got a big piece of bread on her lap." Adam had given a faint groan of despair while this witness was speaking. He had hidden his face on his arm, which rested on the boarding in front of him.

"But listen, Aunt Peggy " "Dorothy, you're a naughty girl. I can't listen." Dorothy too burst into sobs. "I just wanted to tell you," she wailed, "that Aunt Abigail was a-sitting on the porch." Peggy spun about. The astonishing news was true. On the porch sat Aunt Abigail, swaying slightly in one of the willow rockers, with her meditative gaze fixed on the western sky.

The next day Mary Powlett was unable to go off as usual to Marsden as George was in great pain from his scald. She went down to church, however, in the evening with her father, Bill Swinton taking her place by the bedside of the boy. "Thou hast been a-sitting by moi bedside hours every day, Polly," he said, "and it's moi turn now to take thy place here.