United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

As he did this, Bradley and Hillhouse drew Wambush backward and down to the ground. "I'll pay you for this, Bale Warlick," he groaned in pain, but he still held to the knife. "Let go that knife," thundered the sheriff. "Let it a-loose, I tell you, or I'll mash your skull!" "Not while I hold 'im, Bale," said the bar-keeper, sullenly. "Law or no law, I won't he'p beat no man 'at's down!"

When first it dawns upon us through that thick darkness which hangs about the birth of all countries whatever their destiny it was a densely wooded and scantily peopled island "lying a-loose," as old Campion, the Elizabethan historian, tells us, "upon the West Ocean," though his further assertion that "in shape it resembleth an egg, plain on the sides, and not reaching forth to the sea in nooks and elbows of Land as Brittaine doeth" cannot be said to be quite geographically accurate the last part of the description referring evidently to the east coast, the only one with which, like most of his countrymen, he was at that time familiar.

The tall glasses, I orders, 'and the bottle in the left-hand corner of the ice-chest. "'Sarsaparilla, repeats Perry, and then his eyes get animated, and I see he's got some great scheme in his mind he wants to emit. "'Buck, says he, all interested, 'I'll tell you what! I want to make this a red-letter day. I've been keeping close at home, and I want to turn myself a-loose.

By the time he reached the centre of the maelstrom the police had cleared a space round the fallen man. He lay panting in the mud, a desolate and dreadful figure, his waistcoat burst open, and shirt protruding, his shock of red hair a-loose on the ground. Jim was not the first to get to the fallen man. Monkey Brand was already kneeling at his side, bottle in hand. "Oh, my! Mr.

But the fellow knew that he was safe, and that he could lie and abuse with impunity. He knew that his dirty hirelings would protect him against a reply from me, and he, therefore, gave a-loose to a most malignant spirit. The moment that I attempted to speak, the yell began.

And the folks in the cyar they knowed it, too. I am in gineral one to keep things locked and pinned down inside me; but for once I let go all holts and turnt a-loose.

"That'll take a load off my shoulders." "We'll cut our grub fifty-fifty, then I'll hit you a clout with the traces and turn you a-loose." Jerry was still dazed, for his world had come to an end, but he pretended to an extravagant joy and managed to chirp: "Good news the first I've had since we went pardners. I'll sure kick up my heels. What'll we do with the boat?" "Cut her in two." "Right.

Thy grandsire's words favour'd of thrifty leekes, Or manly garlicke; but thy furnace reekes Hot steams of wine; and can a-loose descrie The drunken draughts of sweet autumnitie. The second is a short satire on erecting stately monuments to worthless men. The following advice is nobly moral, the subsequent sarcasm just and well expressed.

The horsemen received this ungainly addition to their party with polite composure, and the genteel element of the spectators remained silent too from the force of good breeding and good feeling; but the "roughs," always critically a-loose in a crowd, shouted and screamed with derisive hilarity. What they were laughing at Jenks Hollis never knew.

They could see the conqueror coming home in triumph. Then when he cried, "A-who, I say, a-who is in Gideon's ahmy to-day?" and the wailing chorus took up the note, "A-who!" it was too much even for frail Cassie, and, deserted by the solicitous sisters, in the words of Mam' Henry, "she broke a-loose, and faihly tuk de place."