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After the Black-Hawk War, the Indian title being extinguished, and the country open to settlers, Northern Illinois attracted great attention, and increased wonderfully in wealth and population. In 1830, the population of the State amounted to 157,445; in 1840, to 476,183; in 1850, to 851,470; in 1860, to 1,719,496.

Under a paid department, the following is, in the city of Boston, Mass., the comparative cost of running the two kinds of engines, viz.: STEAM FIRE ENGINE. 1 engineer........................................... $720 00 1 fireman............................................ 600 00 1 driver............................................. 600 00 1 foreman of hose.................................... 150 00 8 hosemen, at $125 each.............................. 375 00 7 men................................................ $2,445 00 Keeping of 2 horses.................................. 315 00 Total......................................... $2,760 00

The extent of the shares respectively taken by the Government and private enterprise in the trade of the island is exhibited by the following returns for 1889: Government 13,009,445 florins 33,072,175 florins Private persons 160,375,326 " 164,590,439 " Total 173,384,771 " 197,662,614 " The Government still produces two-thirds of the coffee crop.

At his instance, Valentinian III, the emperor of the West, issued a decree in 445 declaring the power of the Bishop of Rome supreme, by reason of Peter's merits and apostolic headship, and by reason of the majesty of the city of Rome.

Don Pedro de Toledo, Constable of Castile, and general of the galleys of Naples, was a relative of Marie de Medicis, whose grandfather, the Comte de Medicis, had married Eleonora de Toledo, the daughter of the Viceroy of Naples. He was, moreover, a grandee of Spain, and one of the most confidential friends of Philip III. Bonnechose, vol. i. p. 445. Péréfixe, vol. ii. p. 564.

It was not merely the possible, but the necessary, emanation of the spirit with which he had been endowed. I quote from the latter, p. 445: Sans doute les langues, comme tout ce qui est organise, sont sujettes a la loi du developpement graduel.

She died on July 30, 1762, aged "about sixty-three years." Arthur Young, visiting Chambéri in 1789, with some trouble procured the certificate of her death, which may be found in his Travels, i. 272. See a letter of M. de Conzié to Rousseau, in M. Streckeisen-Moultou's collection, ii. 445. Conf., xii. 233. Conf., viii. 210. Gaberel's Rousseau et les Genevois, p. 62. Conf., viii. 212.

"The Ganges Canal, constructed in 1854, is 445 miles long, and is used for both navigation and irrigation. Doubtless you will sail upon it, and learn more about it. Near the Indus are two deserts, one 500 miles long, and the other 400, though the grains may be cultivated in the valleys and other low places; and perhaps these regions will be reclaimed by artificial irrigation.

The balance in the Treasury on the 1st of July last was $7,658,306.22. The amount of the public debt remaining unpaid on the 1st of October last was $17,075,445.52.

In 1857 he was elected Governor of Massachusetts, and held the office for three successive terms. During the late rebellion he served as a Major-General of Volunteers. In 1865 he was elected a member of the Thirty-Ninth Congress, and was re-elected in 1866. 25, 31, 445, 524, 525, 539, 553. ABRAHAM A. BARKER was born in Lovell, Maine, March 30, 1816.