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"LEO. Right; she will no more let young People sin, than the Devil will let 'em be sav'd, out of envy to their happiness. "Vio. Who is she? "LEO. One of my own blood, an Aunt. "Vio. I know her. She of thy blood? She has not a drop of it these twenty years; the Devil of envy sucked it all out, and let verjuice in the roome."

There is a canal below, crowded with gondolas, and across its bridge the good folk of San Vio come and go the whole day long men in blue shirts with enormous hats, and jackets slung on their left shoulder; women in kerchiefs of orange and crimson. Bare-legged boys sit upon the parapet, dangling their feet above the rising tide. A hawker passes, balancing a basket full of live and crawling crabs.

"Very well; but, Vio, you will promise me that you will not try to " Mrs. Mencke began, anxiously, for she could not rid herself of the fear that Violet would try to meet her lover clandestinely. "Hush, Belle; I will promise you nothing," Violet interrupted, spiritedly. "I am a woman now I have my own rights, and there are some things upon which you shall not trench.

The affair was brought before the Master-General, at that time Vio di Cajetan; and the complaint appearing just, he called on her either to lay it aside, or to explain the authority by which she wore it.

Again we find trade where once was aristocracy, for the next palace, which is now a glass-works' show-room, was once the home of Pietro Barbarigo, Patriarch of Venice. The tiny church of S. Vio, now closed, which gives the name to the Campo and Rio opposite which we now are, has a pretty history attached to it.

Luther accordingly set out for Augsburg, in obedience to the summons of De Vio, although dissuaded by many of his friends. He had several interviews with the legate, by whom he was treated with courtesy and urbanity, and by whom he was dissuaded from his present courses.

He accordingly was sent into his native country, with the dignity of legate, to remove the difficulties which De Vio had attempted. He tried persuasion and flattery, and treated the reformer with great civility. But Luther still persisted in refusing to retract, and the matter was referred to the elector archbishop of Trèves. While the controversy was pending, Dr.

Papal influence, meanwhile, had been brought to bear on the Elector Frederick, to induce him not to take the part of Luther, and the chief agent chosen for working on the Elector and the Emperor Maximilian was the Papal legate, Cardinal Thomas Vio of Gaeta, called Caietan, who had made his appearance in Germany.

He is to start a week from Wednesday, and we can easily be ready to accompany him by that time. What do you say, Vio?" Violet thought a moment, then meeting her sister's eye with a steady glance, she briefly replied: "I do not wish to go." Mrs. Mencke flushed. She did not like that quiet tone.

We found the canal crowded with poor people of the quarter men, women, and children lining the walls along its side, and clustering like bees upon the bridges. The water itself was almost choked with gondolas. Evidently the folk of San Vio thought our wedding procession would be a most exciting pageant.