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"He has mastered papa's weaknesses, fostered them, and taken advantage of them, until papa is afraid of him." If I was indignant to hear that Uriah had wormed himself into such promotion, I restrained my feelings when we met, for Agnes had bidden me not to repel him, for her father's sake, and for her own.

Uriah, said I, bolting it out with some difficulty. 'Thank you, he returned, with fervour. 'Thank you, Master Copperfield! It's like the blowing of old breezes or the ringing of old bellses to hear YOU say Uriah. I beg your pardon. Was I making any observation? 'About Mr. Wickfield, I suggested. 'Oh! Yes, truly, said Uriah. 'Ah! Great imprudence, Master Copperfield.

One who keeps herself in the attitude of Uriah Heap, who continually asserts, "I am a poor worm, I am unworthy of the blessings of life, I cannot expect great reward," must expect to be taken at her word. Honors are not thrust upon a man unless he shows the self-confidence which commands confidence. Bacon said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Uriah has come to inform me that he cannot "cleave the splits," as his "stomach has capsized." I felt it incumbent to administer a dose of castor oil, thinking that might be sufficient punishment for what I had reason to believe was only a dodge to escape work.

Uriah Snodgrass, who had discovered some queer kind of a jumping bug in the grass, had lost all interest in the approaching steers, but, at this question, he looked up. "What did you ask?" he said, making a grab for the bug, and catching it. "What do you think we'd better do?" asked Ned. "This is getting serious." "What is? Oh, the steers. Why, they are getting a little too close, aren't they?"

I would have done so again today; but Uriah was too quick for me. 'We seldom see our present visitor, sir, he said, addressing Mr. Wickfield, sitting, such a contrast to him, at the end of the table, 'and I should propose to give him welcome in another glass or two of wine, if you have no objections. Mr. Copperfield, your elth and appiness!

But not being umble yourself, you don't judge well, perhaps, for them that are. I won't provoke my betters with knowledge, thank you. I'm much too umble. Here is my umble dwelling, Master Copperfield! We entered a low, old-fashioned room, walked straight into from the street, and found there Mrs. Heep, who was the dead image of Uriah, only short.

"I'll be darned," the Ramblin' Kid murmured half audibly, "Old Heck is goin' to 'Uriah' Parker!" "Huh?" Skinny queried across the table. "Nothin'," the Ramblin' Kid answered with a laugh, "I was just reminded of somethin' I read in a book one time " Carolyn June caught the subtle reference to the Bible story of King David's unfortunate romance with another man's "woman" and chuckled.

Leaning out of the window, and seeing one of the faces on the beam-ends looking at me sideways, I fancied it was Uriah Heep got up there somehow, and shut him out in a hurry. Next morning, after breakfast, I entered on school life again. I went, accompanied by Mr.

And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon. And David sent and enquired after the woman. And one said, Is not this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?