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There's no chance for us here." Tug, who was feeling rather muggy, only growled: "Not on your life! I had rather be a yellow dog than a quitter." Then he relapsed into a silence that reminded History of Achilles in his tent, though he was ungently told to keep still when he tried to suggest the similarity.

For once, she was in a situation where she could neither fathom motives nor arrange remedies. She stood in sheer terror, half fascinated in spite of all. They both were silent for a while, but at length she resumed, not so ungently: "Then let there be this contract between us, sir. Neither of us shall make any further scene. We'll temporize, since we can do no better. I gave parole once.

Bobby, obviously uncomfortable, scrambled out of Elizabeth's lap and began to stretch himself on the uncertain floor of the skiff. "Lie down!" Blair commanded, and poked the little creature, not ungently, with his foot. Bobby yelped, gave a flying nip at his ankle, and retreated to the shelter of his mistress's skirts. "Confound that dog!" cried Blair.

These words flashed through my mind at this moment; I felt her eye fixed upon me, and I started as she laid her cold, thin fingers on my brow and firmly, but not ungently, made me lift my drooping head. I raised my eyes, and how glad I was when in her pale, thin face I saw nothing but true, sweet good will.

Something so strong that it might not be denied gathered me up in invisible arms, whirled me round once or twice and dropped me, not ungently, in the middle of the road. And then, as I struggled to my knees and, wiping the dust from my eyes, looked up, I saw dozens of others being lifted in the same way, and blown off into the yard or the street.

She wanted him to know for quite another reason than that. Third in the order of her griefs was the consciousness that she had caused Bonbright grief. She dealt ungently with herself because of it, for Bonbright had not deserved it at her hands. She could appreciate how good he had been to her, how solicitous, how patient, how tender. If a man ever deserved well of a woman, he deserved it.

"And why should he not dare it?" asked a voice behind her, and the face of a young man became visible. "Carlo!" she cried, hastening to meet him with outspread arms. He almost ungently checked her. "You forget," said he, "that this little, insignificant, and unknown singer loves you no longer, Corilla!

A precious boon is she to the wretched city; and when loyal men again walk those streets, may the hand wither that touches her ungently! "Because it grew from the heart of little Anglice," said Miss Badeau, tenderly. I have never had many personal interviews with Princes.

Then with a great effort her instinct and determination to do right enabled her to control it; she pushed him from her decisively but not ungently, and then, with some emotion and an arch sweetness which he had never before seen in her, and which charmed him even more than her noble and lofty pride, she said, threatening him with her finger. "Take care, Orion!

By God, he would find out! "Come, Claire!" he said. "Attend to Marion!" And he began to loosen her fingers from his coat. But she only clutched it the tighter. "You'll go!" she cried. "No! Not to-night!" "You promise?" "Yes! Yes!" he growled. She looked steadily up at him, questioning, fearful, until he bent down and kissed her. "There!" he said, roughly and yet not ungently. "Now go to Marion!"