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Do not heed me; I can run as fast as you, I trow. Now into the stream right in, over ankles, to throw the dog off, though I think it is but a common cur, like its master." As she spoke, she sprang herself into the shallow stream and ran swiftly up the centre of it, with the brown water bubbling over her feet and her hand out-stretched toward the clinging branches of bramble or sapling.

I trow we shall learn by that token that God is on our side." All this Cuthbert saw and heard, as he stood in the shadow at the top of the stairs consumed by a burning curiosity.

Suddenly, as he emerged from a thick bit of woods, he became conscious of a strange light encircling him, and halting, quite terrified at the phenomenon, he beheld a little old man, snow-haired and bearded, standing plump in the path before him. "You seem in trouble, friend," he ejaculated, with a chuckle. "Something twists in your world, I trow."

"That you may be, for you are the only person who hath obtained admission to the prisoners." "Not even their wives?" "Mrs. Tichborne is in the country so best for her and Mrs. Babington hath never demanded it. I trow there is not love enough between them to make them seek such a meeting. It was one of my mother's matches.

For I wot well, if any man hath been in those countries beyond, though he have not been in the place where the great Chan dwelleth, he shall hear speak of him so much marvellous thing, that he shall not trow it lightly. And truly, no more did I myself, till I saw it. And those that have been in those countries and in the great Chan's household know well that I say sooth.

I may trow away the bag! for if there’s plunder, ‘twill not be the wife of sich as yerself that will be privileged to be getting the same. They do say, too, there is a power of goold and silver in the place the Lord forgive me for setting my heart on woorldly things; but what falls in the battle, there’s scriptur’ for believing, is the just property of the victor

I should quickly be indicted, I ween; for a Lollard, an' I stayed. Master Carew told me yestre'en, that there were spies hereabouts, and he did trow he was suspected. And if they take him, they will come next to me." "Richard! Richard!" cried Dame Lovell. "Thou frightest me, lad! But wilt thou go, soothly? I wis not how to leave thee do so."

"By my halidame, I have two fair daughters at home who will lack husbands, I trow, for they can only spin and be chaste, two maidenly gifts out of bloom with the White Rose." In the mean while, unwitting, or contemptuous, of the attention they excited, Warwick and Clarence continued yet more earnestly to confer.

But he pushed in with a light laugh, leading Cuthbert with him, and saying as he did so: "Nay, nay, mother, be not so fierce. He is an honest lad enough, I trow; if not, 'twill be the worse for him anon. We have brought him hither to search him if he carries gold concealed. If not, and he proves to have spoken sooth, he may go his way or join with us, whichever likes him best.

Y' are no milksop, Master Richard; ye will wed with dry eyes, anyhow." "It is well said," replied Shelton. "Little I reck." "Your lady wife is like to have a pleasant lord," said Matcham. "She shall have the lord Heaven made her for," returned Dick. "It trow there be worse as well as better." "Ah, the poor wench!" cried the other. "And why so poor?" asked Dick.