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He broke down again. "I've been bellowed at, I been bullied, I been treated like a dog. Dirty cads they are! Dirty cads! I'd rather be a Three-Card Sharper than a barrister; I'd rather sell cat's-meat in the streets. "They sprung things on me this morning, things I didn't expect. They rushed me! I'd got it all in my hands and then I was jumped. By Neal! Neal I've given city tips to! Neal!

The Princess passed a hand across her brow, as if to brush away a headache. "Before you go, get a bath ready for me; I think that would rest me." Ten minutes later Nadine crept back like a shadow, and found the Princess standing dreamily on the balcony, inhaling deep breaths of the pure night air. The child kissed the tips of her mistress's fingers.

He is hale and hearty, his face is full, his color healthy, and he tips the scales at one hundred and seventy- five pounds. I was myself surprised at the extraordinary efficacy of my wonderful medicine. He used in all a dozen bottles, giving me a second order later on, and so for the paltry sum of three dollars was drawn back from the brink of the grave, and restored to life and health.

She nodded her head to him as though to say 'you may.... Kister bent down and kissed the tips of her gloves. Meanwhile they drew near the already familiar copse. Masha became suddenly more thoughtful, and at last kept silent altogether. They came to the very place where Lutchkov had waited for her.

As the wrappings fell away, there was a shimmer of dazzling tissues, silver and gold. "Oh! oh!" she cried. "Just a few pretty trifles, my dear," he said. "You like them?" "Like them!" Repeating his words she sprang up, and running round the candle-stand, stood on the very tips of her toes so that she might throw her arms about his neck.

"You see I just must manage to find a home here, and and I've heard so much of Southern chivalry and hospitality I rather hoped some one would take me in until I could look around. The place at The Forge, where I've been for two nights is impossible, and the darkies have their hands stretched out for tips until I feel like a palmist, and a bankrupt one at that!"

Especially distressing was Aunt Elizabeth, who evidently loved to sing hymns but had little idea of melody or rhythm, and was influenced entirely by a copious sentiment which overflowed into her eyes and trembled at the tips of her fingers. All this was as naive and awkward as is always the singing of English hymns in English churches by English citizens.

"'A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted'." He raised his eyes to the ceiling again, and placed the tips of his fingers together. "And 'a time to kill'," he concluded gently. His words died softly away in the quiet room. "I have often thought of that passage," he continued.

One thing surprised Broussard not only that Anita appeared quite grown up but that she could talk of many things of which he had never before heard her speak. As for the Philippines, she had all the lore about them at her finger tips.

The old lady looked extraordinarily thin; the lines on her face crossed and re-crossed like the most intricate puzzle, her lips were sunken, and the tips of nose and chin were at perilously close quarters, but her eyes were young still, such sharp, bright little eyes, and they twinkled just as Pat's did when he was pleased. "Talk to me, then.