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A peculiar but not strong nor displeasing odor came from this drawer, which was lined with a wood that we afterwards discovered to be hazel. Whatever the cause of this odor, it produced a material effect on the nerves. We all felt it, even the two workmen who were in the room, a creeping, tingling sensation from the tips of the fingers to the roots of the hair.

The small and still plump white hand is extended. Sir Thomas Seymour bows very low, receives the hand, kissing the tips of the taper fingers, is seated in an elegantly embroidered fauteuil opposite her ladyship. After the usual pleasantries had passed, Sir Thomas commenced by way of explanation: "Your ladyship will pardon this detention, from the fact of my being absent when your note arrived.

As the Planeteers opened and unpacked the crates, Rip and O’Brine inspected and the clerk checked the items off. The first case produced a complete chemical cutting unit with an assortment of cutting tips and adapters. Rip looked around for the gas cylinders and saw none. "Something’s wrong," he objected. "Where’s the fuel supply for the torch?"

They had no rent to pay and no expenses for firing; Cibot's earnings amounted on an average to seven or eight hundred francs, add tips at New Year, and the pair had altogether in income of sixteen hundred francs, every penny of which they spent, for the Cibots lived and fared better than working people usually do. "One can only live once," La Cibot used to say.

But I haven't got the cash." "What pay do you draw?" Dickie named a sum. "Not much, eh? But you've got your tips." "Yes, sir. I pay my board with my pay and live on the tips." "Must be uncertain kind of living! Where do you live, anyway? What? Here?" They had crossed Washington Square and were entering a tall studio building to the south and east. Dickie climbed lightly up the stairs.

About her head was bound a gaudy Barbadian head-dress, its tips erect like startled ears, increasing the wildness of her appearance. "Stephanie!" exclaimed the girl. "You frightened me." The negress strode to her, speaking rapidly in Spanish, then turned upon Kirk. "What do you want here?" she cried, menacingly. She had thrust her charge behind her and now pierced him with her eyes.

When the ship came into port a week or two later, Mrs. Hamilton was one of the first passengers to land, and after careful enquiries and well-bestowed tips she was expeditiously conveyed by ticker-gharry and sedan chair across the desert to the bungalow at Deira.

Lady Isabel put forth her hand, and Miss Carlyle condescended to touch the tips of her fingers. "I hope you are well, ma'am," she jerked out. Mr. Carlyle left them together, and went back to search for some trifles which had been left in the carriage. Miss Carlyle led the way to a sitting-room, where the supper-tray was laid.

My name on this card may not be familiar to you but I am 'Dorothy Dewdrop." A slight movement of abstraction and surprise passed over Don Jose's face, but as quickly vanished as he advanced towards her and gracefully raised the tips of her fingers to his lips. "Have I then, at last, the privilege of beholding that most distressed and deeply injured of women! Or is it but a dream!"

Wentz read it without lifting his head as it lay before him. He continued to stare at it as though he had been stunned, while Kate with her eyes fixed upon his face thrummed lightly on the counter with her finger tips. He had pictured something like this a thousand times, yet now that it actually had come he seemed as little prepared to meet it as if it were a crushing and complete surprise.