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Oswald is going to stay until we all go back to Vienna, and we are making a few excursions by ourselves. That is really the best way after all. I am not much with the Weiners now, for we had a little tiff on the big excursion. But Nelly is rather taken with Oswald, so she came twice to our table to-day, once about a book we had lent her, and once to arrange for a walk. August 24th.

He tried to prove that this was no more than a true lovers' tiff, which would pass off before night; and when he was dislodged from that position, he went on to argue that where there was no quarrel there could be no call for a separation; for the good man liked both his entertainment and his host.

Wilson asked one day, when she was alone with her in the drawing room. Frank had just left, after spending an hour there. "A tiff, Carrie? No! What put such an idea into your head?" "My eyes, assisted perhaps by my ears. My dear, do you think that after being with you on the yacht last autumn, I should not notice any change in your manner to each other?

"Just another little family tiff," answered Jimmy, trying to assume a nonchalant manner. "Not about YOU!" gasped Aggie. "Me!" cried Jimmy, his equilibrium again upset. "Certainly not!" he declared. "What an idea!" "Yes, wasn't it?" answered Aggie. "That just shows how silly one can be. I almost thought Alfred was going to say that Zoie had lunched with you."

"Aunt," says Fanny, handling the brooch, and eyeing it, "you were a poor girl, like me, before grandpapa left you the money, and you know it is just as well to have a tiff now and then with a rich one, because, when you kiss and make it up, you always get some reconciliation-thing or other." Miss Maitland dived into the past and nodded approval.

He hastened to his place, but instead of resuming it stood by the side of the girl, talking. He seemed to be suggesting some course of which she disapproved, pointing to her unfinished dinner. Kendricks nodded his head slowly. "The young man has to leave," he remarked. "He wishes mademoiselle to accompany him. She declines. He is annoyed. Behold, a lover's tiff!

Oh! he is a rare head-piece, an admirable Merron. I do not believe there is in nature such a full-acorned Boar. Could not write to purpose for thick-coming fancies; the wheel would not turn easily, and cannot be forced. "My spinning-wheel is auld and stiff, The rock o't winna stand, sir; To keep the temper-pin in tiff Employs aft my hand, sir."

I thought he was the prince of cavaliers. Annabel says he dances 'like an angel, and I know a dozen mothers couldn't keep him at home of an evening. Have you had a tiff with Adonis and so fall back on poor me?" asked Mac, coming last to the person of whom he thought first but did not mention, feeling shy about alluding to a subject often discussed behind her back.

He obeyed, and brought them to the Marechal, who presented them to the King. Lefevre was silversmith to the King's household, and as such under the orders of the first gentleman of the chamber. The Duc de Mortemart, who had previously had some tiff with the Marechal de Villeroy, declared that it devolved upon him to order these medals and present them to the King.

All these harsh words were but the harmless lightnings of a summer gust that was passing away. "It's only a lovers' tiff," she thought, "and now the billing and cooing are to come." "O, well," said Bel, soothingly, "you and Julian will soon make up, and then you and all the world will change for the better."