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He removed the fire-board, and lifting the punk, showed the interior of the powder to be one glowing coal. On this he laid the Cedar tinder and over that a second piece of punk. Then raising it, he waved it in the air and blew gently for awhile. It smouldered and then burst into a flame. The other material was handy, and in a very short time they had a blazing fire in the middle of the new teepee.

On the outskirts of the camp there dwelt an old woman with an orphan grandchild, who had been denying herself for some time in order that the child might live longer. This poor teepee the girls visited often, and one on each side they raised the exhausted woman and poured into her mouth the warm broth they had brought with them.

"Sometimes I have imagined that I am in the world with you alone, traveling over the prairie of life, or sitting in our lonely white teepee, as the oriole sits with his mate before their swaying home. Yet I seemed to be never lonely, because you were there!" He finished his plea, and with outward calmness awaited her reply. The maiden had not lost a word, but she was still thinking.

They had heard all that had passed in the teepee, and, while affecting to pay no attention to Charley, were primed for him showing that men in a crowd are much the same white or red. Charley was a skinny, anxious-looking little man, withered and blackened as last year's leaves, ugly as a spider. His self-conscious braggadocio invited derision. "Huh!" cried one. "Here come woman-Charley.

She was about to give up this line of inquiry when, at a little distance from the nearest teepee, she came upon a girl engaged in dressing a moose-hide stretched upon a great frame. There were no other Indians near. Colina resolved upon a last attempt. Colina drew near the girl, pausing as if casually interested in her work.

We'll take the other end," he said angrily, and persisted in going the opposite way. "Now we all got to go straight till we find something, and meet here again when that streak of sunlight gets around in the teepee to that pole." As the sunstreak, which was their Indian clock, travelled just about one pole for two hours, this gave about four hours for adventures.

The census of 1890 will place, in this territory, fifteen million of people, and in twenty years it will support forty million. It is difficult, I doubt not, for you to comprehend the fact that the first time I crossed the Missouri River was on a raft, and at the point where stands the city of Omaha to-day. That night I slept in the teepee of an Omaha Indian.

The warriors departed; only the little interpreter remained. "What does it mean?" cried Pauline. "It is the race with the Great Death Stone," he answered, and his own voice trembled. "But," he whispered, "I will ride. I will try to find help. Wait." He slipped under the back of the teepee.

Caribou Lake enjoys an unenviable reputation for weather; Bela thought nothing of crossing the ten miles in any stress. When she returned from fishing, the skunks were still there, and the quarrel had recommenced. The result was no different. Charley finally issued out of the teepee beaten, and the little carcasses flew out of the door after him, propelled by a vigorous foot.

The bride draws back and pouts a little, when some of her friends undertake to reason with her; and she, as if to avoid them, springs upon the back of the Dahcotah, who carries her into the wigwam. But where on earth is the bridegroom? Seated on the ground in the teepee, looking as placid and unconcerned as if nothing was going on. Of course he rises to receive his bride?