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"And I don't know what to make of you, Fanny!" retorted Betty. "What are you excited about? What is the matter?" "Listen! do listen!" said Fanny. "Well, I am listening; but you really must be quick in getting out whatever's troubling you." "You have heard of the Specialities, haven't you?" said Fanny. "Good gracious, no!" exclaimed Betty. "The Specialities what are they?"

Haddo, for wise reasons all her own, excused the Specialities and their guests from attending prayers in the chapel. She had once made a little speech about this. "You will pray earnestly in your rooms, dears, and thank God for your happy evening," she had said; and from that moment the Specialities knew that they might continue their enjoyment until nine o'clock. Oh, it was all fascinating!

Engineers are the incarnation of a defensive warfare; all others, as artillerists, infantry, and cavalry, are for dashing into the unknown into the space; and thus these specialities virtually represent the offensive warfare. When will they begin to see through McClellan, and find out that he is not the man? Perhaps too late, and then the nation will sorely feel it. Mr.

Carnegie would establish in every town where he has put a Library, by endowment or otherwise, a Commission, or what might be called perhaps a Searching Party, in that community, made up of men of inventive and creative temperament, who instinctively know this temperament in others men in all specialities, in all walks of life, who are doing things better than any one wants to pay them to do them and if Mr.

Seated in a low chair in the window, Mary was hemming dusters. She looked up at him thoughtfully. "Father," she said, "what do you think was the matter with him in the first place? What was the disease that Professor Fish cured?" Dr. Pond shook his white head vaguely. "Impossible to say," he answered. "It looks like, a mental case, doesn't it? And yet You see, Fish has had so many specialities.

The working out of the process is here somewhat difficult to follow; but it appears to me that as fast as the number of bodily and mental faculties increases, and as fast as the maintenance of life comes to depend less on the amount of any one, and more on the combined action of all; so fast does the production of specialities of character by natural selection alone, become difficult.

Punctual to the hour, the Specialities met in Margaret's room. There was no supper on this occasion, nor any appearance of festivity. The pretty flowers which Margaret usually favored were conspicuous by their absence. Even the electric light was used but sparingly. None of the girls dressed for this evening, but wore their usual afternoon frocks.

"To begin with, I am hungry, for I scarcely ate any supper to-night; I did not care for the food provided by the Specialities. Hours and hours have passed by, and I could not go to bed." "And why not, Fanny?" asked Miss Symes. "Why did you stay up against the rules? And why do you think of yourself in a moment like the present?"

Was it not a piece of wood after all? Had she really sent Sibyl into the flower-garden to gather marguerites and make herself a figure of fun at the Specialities' entertainment? Had she done it to get rid of her just because because she wanted she wanted to remove something from the stump of the old oak-tree?

What can have happened to cause her to be no longer a member of the Specialities?" "Now, Sibyl, you must be a little goose! Do you suppose for a moment it is within my power to enlighten you?" "I suppose it isn't; but I am very unhappy about her, and so are we all. We are all fond of Betty. We think her wonderful." Fanny was silent. "'Tis good of you, Fan, to let me walk with you!"