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"I have nothing to do, sir." "Yes, you have; you have to cherish your wife, and look after the old gentleman." "Well he is rather shakey, they say sir; the old woman is often called out to him at nights." "Well, Cross, I will do as you wish, and time will decide how you are to act. I am going over to Southampton for a few days perhaps, and will take care to be back by the wedding.

Rose found the wheeled chair, to which her aunt gave the preference, was engaged, and shaking her little discreet head at "the shakey chair" and "the stuffy chair," she turned pensively homeward, and was speeding down Mackarel Lane, when she was stayed by the words, "My little girl!" and the grandest and most bearded gentleman she had ever seen, demanded, "Can you tell me if Miss Williams lives here?"

But what do you mean to do with him after he is done going to school?" "Vy, I dinks I prings mine Shakey to town and hangs him on to Sheneral Shmicdt and makes a brinting-office out of him." "A printer, John? Well, that might be a very good thing if you don't need him to help you about the farm, or our grounds. I should think you would, though."

As the company seemed breaking up, I thought I could not do better than take M'Corkindale's hint, and accordingly betook myself to Glenmutchkin, along with the Captain of M'Alcohol, and we quartered ourselves upon the Factor for Glentumblers. We found Watty Solder very shakey, and his assistant also lapsing into habits of painful inebriety.

"Nein; I don't valks, miss; ven I ish god dings to pring abbles or botatoes or some dings else I say to mine Shakey, 'Just hitch de harness on de horse and hang him to de stable door; or if I got nodings to pring I tells de poy, 'Hitch him up a horseback; den I comes in to mine vork and I tash! I don't hafs to valk nod a shtep."

She was watching the bright little bonneted heads go by with the same detachment that he had learned to look at the shop windows, without thinking of appropriating any of their splendour for himself, and when she spoke again it was without any sensible connection with the present occasion. "Peter, do you remember Willy Shakeley?" "Shakey Willy, we used to call him.

"Nein, nein," said John, shaking his head; "'tis not so long as I vants Shakey to makes mit me a fence; put I tash! Miss Stanhope, he say he ton't can know how to do it; and I says, 'I tash! Shakey, you peen goin' to school all your life, and you don't know de vay to makes a fence yet."

She looked up kinder sideways as I spoke, but she must have bin a leetle hard o' hearing, for she shook her head. Then I thought I'd try her on another tack. So I placed my hands on my shakey knees, and bendin' over in this guise, so she could see me plainly, while my teeth rattled in my skull as I shook my head at her and growled: "Haint you afeared of me, Madam?"

This will was signed, sealed, and attested, and is now in my possession; and as the old lady is very shakey, and something approaching to imbecile, I considered that in a short time I should have to congratulate you upon your succession to this fine property, which is a clear 8,000 pounds per annum.

The Frenchman permitted a sneer to steal across his face, while Frank looked at him steadily till his eyes dropped. At a glance, Merry saw that Bloodgood was "shakey." The fellow had been growing worse and worse as the voyage progressed, and now he seemed on the verge of a break-down.