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"Why, to be sure it is high; but that, you know, is a token of the public confidence in the line. After all, the rise is nothing compared to that of several English railways; and individually, I suppose, neither of us have any reason to complain." "I don't like it," said Sawley, watching me over the margin of his coffee-cup. "I don't like it. It savours too much of gambling for a man of my habits.

"What a long time it is since I have had the pleasure of seeing you too long indeed for brother directors! How are Mrs. Sawley and Miss Selina? Won't you take a cup of coffee?" "Grass, sir, grass!" said Mr. Sawley, with a sigh like the groan of a furnace-bellows. "We are all flowers of the oven weak, erring creatures, every one of us. Ah, Mr.

I don't know whether it was my determined conduct at the allocation, my territorial title, or a most exaggerated idea of my circumstances, that worked upon the mind of Mr Sawley. Possibly it was a combination of the three; but sure enough few days had elapsed before I received a formal card of invitation to a tea and serious conversation.

Old Sam Sawley, the coffin-maker, is their principal spokesman here; and wherever he goes the rest will follow, like a flock of sheep bounding after a patriarchal ram. I propose, therefore, to wait upon him to-morrow, and request his cooperation in a scheme which is not only to prove profitable, but to make head against the lax principles of the present age. Leave me alone to tickle him.

Dunshunner, you have been a great stranger at Lykewake Terrace!" "Take a muffin, Mr. Sawley. Anything new in the railway world?" "Ah, my dear sir, my good Mr. Augustus Reginald, I wanted to have some serious conversation with you on that very point. I am afraid there is something far wrong indeed in the present state of our stock."

Sawley must get a thousand according to stipulation Jobson, Heckles, and Grabbie, at least five hundred a-piece, and another five hundred, I should think, will exhaust the remaining means of the committee. So that, out of our whole stock, there remain just five thousand shares to be allocated to the speculative and evangelical public. My eyes! won't there be a scramble for them!"

"By no means but you must not swear. I pay over the money for your scrip, and you pocket a premium. It seems to me a very simple transaction." "But I tell you I haven't got the scrip!" cried Sawley, gnashing his teeth, while the cold beads of perspiration gathered largely on his brow. "That is very unfortunate! Have you lost it?" "No! the devil tempted me, and I oversold!"

In consequence, they rushed into the market, with intense anxiety to make what terms they could at the earliest stage, and the seven and sixpence of premium was doubled in the course of a forenoon. The allocation passed over very peaceably. Sawley, Heckles, Jobson, Grabbie, and the Captain of M'Alcohol, besides myself, attended, and took part in the business.

In consequence, they rushed into the market, with intense anxiety to make what terms they could at the earliest stage, and the seven-and-sixpence of premium was doubled in the course of a forenoon. The allocation passed over very peaceably. Sawley, Heckles, Jobson, Grabbie, and the Captain of M'Alcohol, besides myself, attended, and took part in the business.

"No! the devil tempted me, and I oversold!" There was a very long pause, during which I assumed an aspect of serious and dignified rebuke. "Is it possible?" said I in a low tone, after the manner of Kean's offended fathers. "What! you, Mr Sawley the stoker's friend the enemy of gambling the father of Selina condescend to so equivocal a transaction? You amaze me!