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Adjustment is a relatively easy matter; it is the conception of the school as a creative factor that challenges our best efforts. Let us think of the school as a workshop in which there must be created the forces by which we must make a desired and an otherwise unrealizable future come to pass and we have a new and inspiring view of education.

He thus constructed a table of 191 of the principal stars, both in the northern and southern hemispheres, setting forth the numerical values of their apparent brightness relatively to that of Alpha Centauri, which he selected as a unit of measurement. Further, the light of the full moon being found by him to exceed that of his standard star 27,408 times, and Dr.

Some kind of long-distance weapon, say a spear or a crude bow, would be useful, too, and effective enough at the relatively short ranges a forest allowed. Anything else would be strictly a convenience. It would be nice if he could rig some way to carry coals so he wouldn't have to start a fire from scratch every night . . . He shrugged.

Un rude peintre de moeurs, M. Champfleury calls him; and the phrase expresses his extreme breadth of treatment. Of the victims of his "rudeness" M. Thiers is almost the only one whom the present generation may recognize without a good deal of reminding, and indeed his hand is relatively light in delineating this personage of few inches and many episodes.

Had these come into current use among the Etruscans as early as the metal plates decorated with contouring or the painted terra-cottas, beyond doubt they would have learned to manufacture them at home in considerable quantity, and of a quality at least relatively good; but at the period at which this luxury arose, the power of independent reproduction wholly failed as the isolated vases provided with Etruscan inscriptions show and they contented themselves with buying instead of making them.

At the moment, he was relatively free for the first time since they had brought him here, and he wanted to make sure that he could make the most use of the fact. Nobody asked anything. He slowed, drifting along the perimeter of the group of men, and still nobody paid him any attention. Finally, he dropped onto the ground near a group of half a dozen men who looked more alert than the rest.

These dramas of "deep and complex interest" are quite as rare in our theatre as great actresses and we only believe in their existence when we see them. Of course there is a dearth of great actresses there always was and always will be: "great" is only a relatively term. Thank goodness for this, seeing that they are sadly injurious to drama.

An oscillation transformer is a loose coupled tuning coil and it consists of a primary coil formed of a number of turns of copper wire wound on a fixed insulating support, and a secondary coil of about twice the number of turns of copper wire which is likewise fixed in an insulating support, but the coils are relatively movable. The Vacuum Tube Telegraph Transmitter.

The circumstances of our participation in the World War and the rise of Bolshevism convinced many for the first time that at last society and the Republic were actually threatened. Heretofore the socialists of various kinds, the communists and anarchists, had attracted relatively little attention in our country.

The size of the country, its want of navigable rivers, and its relatively small and widely scattered population, made imperative the establishment of these means of communication.