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"Is Col. Starbottle here too?" asked Carry, after a pause. "Col. Starbottle is dead. Your stepmother is again a widow." "Dead!" repeated Carry. "Yes," replied Mr. Prince. "Your step-mother has been singularly unfortunate in surviving her affections." Carry did not know what he meant, and looked so. Mr. Prince smiled re-assuringly. Presently Carry began to whimper. Mr.

I am sure I could have made you hate your own sex in another half hour." She held out her hand. "One of our virtues is that we never pretend to be in love with our own sex, Mr. Barnes. That, at least, is a luxury reserved solely for your sex." He bowed low over her hand. "A necessity, if I may be pardoned for correcting you." He pressed her hand re-assuringly and left her.

This was the first time she had ever been present at a death-bed; the stillness in the room, the stupor of despair that had seized on Gabriel, so horrified her, that she was almost as helpless as the two children by her side. It was not till the dawn looked in at the cottage window so coldly, so drearily, and yet so re-assuringly that she began to recover her self-possession at all.

"Fear not; no harm will befall you," said Mr. World re-assuringly as he laid his hand upon her shoulder. Satan smiled complaisantly, and spoke in soft tones: "Tremble not at my presence. I have come only to render you such assistance as may be especially helpful to you in your journey, and to disabuse your mind of such false impressions as you have evidently entertained concerning my character."

At first she had only been provoked to curiosity by Bluebell's reserve, but now there really was food for imagination to work on, and perhaps the clue to much that was perplexing in Harry. How curiously it had come out! The artless Kate smiled re-assuringly at her victim. She was on the track now, and the rabbit might have as much chance of ultimately evading the weasel hunting him by scent.

Then he laid his hands kindly and re-assuringly on Christian's shoulders and felt how he was quivering with excitement and horror. "One sees strange things," he said, "when the cold has got into the brain behind the eyes; you came in cold and worn out." "No," interrupted Christian. "I saw the track first on the brow of the slope, and followed it down right here to the door. This is no delusion."

The men were bedraggled, and so wet one could not make out the color of the dress. One could hardly call it a uniform, and pretty certainly it was not blue. "Adjieu," responded Bonaventure, with some alarm; but the spokesman smiled re-assuringly.