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Boughton left behind him in his youth is no longer there; the "old New York" is no longer a port to sail to, unless for phantom ships. In imagination, however, the author of "The Return of the Mayflower" has several times taken his way back; he has painted with conspicuous charm and success various episodes of the early Puritan story.

The little girl heroine adds another to the list of favorites so well known to the young people in "A Little Puritan Rebel," etc. A Dog of Flanders: A CHRISTMAS STORY. Too well and favorably known to require description. The Nürnberg Stove. This beautiful story has never before been published at a popular price. A Provence Rose. A story perfect in sweetness and in grace. Findelkind.

His traditions were not those of the Puritans, of the Ephraims and the Abijahs of the volunteer army, men whose Old Testament names tell something of the rigor of the Puritan view of life. Washington, a sharer in the free and often careless hospitality of his native Virginia, had a different outlook. In his personal discipline, however, he was not less Puritan than the strictest of New Englanders.

But what the sturdy old Puritan said was, 'more light yet to break forth from His holy Word. Jesus Christ teaches the ages through the lessons of providence and the communication of His Spirit to His Church to understand what He gave the world when He was here. In like manner He works.

They controlled the House of Commons, and made themselves felt there, till James declared that he preferred a hermitage to ruling such a pack of malcontents. The clergy renewed their persecutions; the government of England was a despotism of the strictest kind; and the fire which had been repressed in Puritan bosoms began to emit sullen sparks through their eyes and lips.

Cushing had been invited? Or did he intend to pay an indirect tribute of respect to his ancestry by sending what would produce all the hilarious effect of one of those interminable Puritan graces before meat? No, the dinner was a real dinner, the well-known hospitality of South Carolina toward Massachusetts ambassadors forbids any other supposition, and Mr.

"I'm in the midst of something." "The Puritan tradition?" "Perhaps it is that. Whatever it is, I suppose it suits me; it's in my line, so I had better stick to it." "You are bathing in the Ganges?" Her eyes were fixed upon him. "Poor Charmian Mansfield! Whom can I get for her?" Claude looked down. "I must leave that to you. I am sure you will have a very delightful party." Mrs. Shiffney got up.

Miss Montague suffers from a certain imaginative poverty which is becoming more and more characteristic of puritan art and life in America. From the point of view of style, however, these stories share distinction in the Henry James tradition only with Katharine Fullerton Gerould, Anne Douglas Sedgwick, Arthur Johnson and H. G. Dwight.

Civilization bowed cruelly this girl, who felt in greater measure than the gently staid female descendants of the Puritan stock around her the fire of savage or primitive passions; but she now submitted to it with the taciturnity of one of her ancestresses to the torture. Week after week she went about the house, and neither spoke nor smiled.

He was driven from Bishop Williams' house because he was a Puritan; and there is the origin of his fortune. The English Parliament declared itself against the throne and against the episcopacy; some of his friends in this parliament procured the nomination of a village for him. Only at this time did he begin to exist, and he was more than forty before he had ever made himself talked of.