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Time was, when to be a simple Roman was to be nobler than a northern king. Well, well, we may live to see great changes!" "I shall live to see thee a great man, and that will content me," said the younger, smiling affectionately; "a great scholar all confess you to be already: our mother predicts your fortunes every time she hears of your welcome visits to the Colonna."

In all these cases, then, as well as at the close of the section where he predicts that mathematicians will in time "create procedures of a wider generality", M. Comte makes admissions that are diametrically opposed to the alleged law.

He, moreover, laments thatthe vitality of men’s belief in God is dying out in every land,” that theface of the worldis turned towardswaywardness and unbelief”; proclaims religion to be “a radiant light and an impregnable stronghold for the protection and welfare of the peoples of the worldandthe chief instrument for the establishment of order in the world”; affirms its fundamental purpose to be the promotion of union and concord amongst men; warns lest it be made “a source of dissension, of discord and hatred”; commands that its principles be taught to children in the schools of the world, in a manner that would not be productive of either prejudice or fanaticism; attributesthe waywardness of the ungodlyto thedecline of religion”; and predictsconvulsionsof such severity as tocause the limbs of mankind to quake.”

He has many gloomy remarks upon our prospects, but it is in facing gloomy prospects with a high heart that a nation proves that it is not yet degenerate. Better pay all the price which he predicts than shrink for one instant from our task. Mr. Methuen makes a good deal of the foolish and unchivalrous, even brutal, way in which some individuals and some newspapers have spoken of the enemy.

Charms, incantations, astrology, idolatry, caste, are all woven into the system, for the sake of propitiating the Indian mind, so that its influence is hostile to Christianity and to missions. Idols are to be worshiped because they are "centers of magnetism." In England Mrs. Besant predicts a second advent of Christ. But in India this becomes a new avatar of Krishna.

Alexander Stephens predicts a civil war, which most men I meet here consider very unlikely." Ann handed this letter to her husband, saying, "This will interest you." He read it twice, and then said, "There is at least one man in the South who believes the North will fight Stephens." "But will it, James?" A predictive spectre of fear rose before her.

Of London he predicts, that its growth must finally stop in 1842; and that then its population must amount to half the population of England. Yet London is still growing, day by day, and yet its population scarcely exceeds a twentieth of the whole.

In Germany especially, Marx's co-workers and successors developed marked hostility to "State Socialism" from the moment when it was taken up by Bismarck nearly a generation ago . August Bebel's hostility to the existing State goes so far that he predicts that it will expire "with the expiration of the ruling class," while Engels contended that the very phrase "the Socialist State" was valueless as a slogan in the present propaganda of Socialism, and scientifically ineffective.

"What a comical-looking bird!" said Lucien; "and yet I'm half afraid of its brilliant eyes and hooked nose." "Every one is frightened at him, Chanito," replied l'Encuerado; "and when he settles near a hut at night, and raises his dismal cry, he predicts the early death of some one of those who hear him."

He has a good deal of pride in having what he predicts turn out to be true. I have sometimes thought that he was willing to have things break down in order to demonstrate his infallibility as an oracle. He shows the same trait in regard to disease.