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There, by Ruatara's good offices, he was enabled to preach to the assembled natives on the Sunday after arrival, being Christmas Day, from the text printed at the head of this chapter. The Maoris heard him quietly. Koro Koro walked up and down among the rows of listeners keeping order with his chief's staff.

At any rate Peter calmed himself by the consideration that his army was chiefly a rascally crowd. This was the final proof that he was not of the stuff of which leaders are made. The verdict of the historian is just: "He had neither the prudence, the coolness, nor the firmness of the commander." He could rouse but not control. He could preach, but could not conserve the results of his preaching.

Why should I hold my peace when I have a mission from on high? I shall speak to the King as Nathan spoke to David." "He speaks like a prophet," cried the miller; "I begin to have faith in him. No doubt the iniquities of London are fearful." "If he preach against extortioners and usurers only, I am with him," Dick Taverner said.

Don't be afraid; I am not going to preach quite the contrary; I am going to be quick about it. First, then, Mrs. Evelin has decided, under sound advice, to go to New Zealand. Second, I have telegraphed to her relations at the other end of the world to tell them that she is coming.

It is not my mission to preach I am merely pointing out a flaw in our harness which causes a lot of administrative trouble out East.

"She died when I was thirteen and Daniel three, and my father was very unhappy." "I didn't like your father a bit," Miriam said. "He was a good man in his way, his uncomfortable way." "Then I like them wickeder than that." "It made him uncomfortable too, you know." "If you're going to preach " He laughed. "I didn't mean to. I was only offering you the experience of my maturity!"

This is our gospel; but it is a gospel of eternal and universal hope, because we believe that every single soul is under doom to be saved sometime, somewhere. We preach the inevitable results of law-breaking, are they to last one year, five, a hundred, a thousand, a million, ten millions?

I as a Socialist am bound to preach them to you once more, assuring you that they are no mere foolish dreams bidding us to do what we now must acknowledge to be impossible, but reasonable rules of action, good for our defence against the tyranny of Nature. Anyhow, honest men have the choice before them of either putting these theories in practice or rejecting them altogether.

He is not hopeful, however, even as regards his own remedy, for he adds: "We can trace small ground for hope that the disease will thus be materially reduced." He would still, however, preach chastity to the individual, and he does so with all the ascetic ardor of a mediæval monk.

At almost every stage in Wagner's progress his friends would have liked to preach to him, and his enemies would fain have done so too but for other reasons. Had the purity of his artist's nature been one degree less decided than it was, he would have attained much earlier than he actually did to the leading position in the artistic and musical world of his time.