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Doctor signs the death-warrant, 'pothecary does the deed!" "Certainly we don't profess to keep a dying man alive upon the juice of the deadly upas-tree." "Of course you don't. There are no poisons with us. That's just the difference between you and me, Dr. Dosewell." "Indeed, I have always said that if you can do no good, you can do no harm, with your infinitesimals."

Just, for instance, as we constantly hear, in the conversation of the uneducated, the words pothecary and prentice for apothecary and apprentice, shall we also find cassia used for acacia.

Tilton and Will Somers kept their word faithfully, and society recognized the fact and liberally patronized the doctor's store, afterward. "Got a new 'pothecary in our town," said Simes Badger. "At any rate, he's good as new, and new things draw. A 'pothecary can do amazin' sight of harm if he aint jest the right sort of man in his business."

A good many are, but I wouldn't want to. I don't think anything of 'em. I've seen mother take 'pothecary stuff on the sly. She's whaled me worse than Lin ever does. I guess he wouldn't want to be mother's husband again, and if he does," said Billy, his voice suddenly vindictive, "I'll quit him and skip." "No danger, Bill," said I. "How would the nice lady inside please you?" inquired the driver.

Thank God, I have as good a constitution as e'er a man in England, but for all that, I and my whole family bleed and purge, and take a diet-drink twice a year, by way of serving the 'pothecary, who is a very honest man, and a very good neighbour." Their conversation was interrupted by the return of the apothecary with the doctor, who had very little of the faculty in his appearance.

"Sure I thought not," continued Phil, with a patronising air, "or ye'd niver ask for the bread kid out o' saisin. Now I was in the medical way meself wance ay, ye may laugh, but it's thrue I wos 'prentice to a 'pothecary, an' I've mixed up more midsins than would pisen the whole popilation of owld Ireland barrin' the praists, av coorse.

Tom Cogglesby still sat at his table, holding before him Evan's letter, of which he had got possession; and knocking it round and round with a stroke of the forefinger, to the tune of, 'Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, 'pothecary, ploughboy, thief'; each profession being sounded as a corner presented itself to the point of his nail.

"I should feel heart-whole, if so be as yow would throw the noorse a'ter the bottles, and the 'pothecary a'ter the noorse, and oorder me a pound of chops for my dinner, for I be so hoongry, I could eat a horse behind the saddle." The apothecary, seeing what passed, retired of his own accord, holding up his hands in sign of astonishment. The nurse was dismissed in the same breath.

Tom Cogglesby still sat at his table, holding before him Evan's letter, of which he had got possession; and knocking it round and round with a stroke of the forefinger, to the tune of, 'Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, 'pothecary, ploughboy, thief'; each profession being sounded as a corner presented itself to the point of his nail.

"For my peart, measter, I knows nothing amiss of the doctor he's a quiet sort of an inoffensive man; uses my house sometimes, and pays for what he has, like the rest of my customers. They says he deals very little in physic stuff, but cures his patients with fasting and water-gruel, whereby he can't expect the 'pothecary to be his friend.