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A single wall separated the apartment where I lived during my childhood and youth from the one where the painter Granger, one of Ingres's pupils, with his wife and daughter, lived. Granger painted the Adoration of the Wise Men in the church of Notre Dame de Lorette. I have played with the gilt paper crown which his model wore when posing as one of the three kings. My mother and Mlle.

And then next morning, Christmas morning, in the grey light of the late dawn, some daring soul, clambering over the trench head, marched boldly up to the line of the enemy with the salutation of the sacred day. In another moment everybody was up and out, shaking hands, and posing for photographs, friend and foe, German and British.

Its use trains the eye and the hand of the painter, its abuse produces in his work an effect of mere posing and prettiness. It is the secret of much of the artificiality of modern art, this constant posing of pretty people, and when art becomes artificial it becomes monotonous.

"I 'most always bring a book with me, and while Aunt Lois is posing, I read stories," she whispered in reply. Then for a time neither spoke. The old clock out in that other room ticked to prove that all was not silent, but it made the waiting children more lonely. They could not see its face, but after what seemed a long time, it chimed a single note. "Oh, dear! That's only a half hour.

"May I not at least try to please your Grace? And may I not seek your advice and thank you now and then for a reprimand?" "Yours is the first request of the sort I have ever heard from a maid of honor, and I shall take you at your word," said the duchess. "I'm not posing as the head of a morality school, but if I may, I shall try to be your guide."

Then one night, old Martha, disturbed by sounds that came from Miss Juliana's bedroom, groped her way fumblingly in and found Miss Juliana sitting up in her sleep and posing the darkness with a problem.

In fact, I entirely liked Hawthorne. He had been as cordial as so shy a man could show himself; and I perceived, with the repose that nothing else can give, the entire sincerity of his soul. Nothing could have been further from the behavior of this very great man than any sort of posing, apparently, or a wish to affect me with a sense of his greatness.

I then gave him an account of certain American church organizations which had established piles of fire-wood and therefore enabled any able-bodied tramp, by sawing or cutting some of it, to earn a good breakfast, a good dinner, and, if needed, a good bed, and showed him that Americans considered beggary not only a great source of pauperism, but as absolutely debasing to the beggar himself, in that it puts him in the attitude of a suppliant for that which, if he works as he ought, he can claim as his right; that to me the spectacle of Count Tolstoi virtually posing as a superior being, while his fellow-Russians came crouching and whining to him, was not at all edifying.

She had tied her veil rather tightly at the back, knotting it and fastening it with a little gold pin, and now she pulled it away from her cheeks, to relieve the tension. "Yes, I have it, Ruth. Oh, don't make such funny faces! Anyone would think you were posing." "Well, I'm not but this veil tickles." "Serves you right for trying to be so stylish."

This being interpreted to Abdullah, who remained humbly bent, he started up, and catching Tom Long's hands, kissed them both, and afterwards Bob's, very much to that young gentleman's disgust, though Tom received the salute with a good deal of dignity, posing himself to look to the best advantage in the presence of the ladies. "There, that'll do now," said Bob.