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'They'll make a good fight of it when the swaddies do come, he said cheerfully, as they settled down in their blankets. 'My oath! replied Mike. 'But we were chumps to give up our revolvers. What good can a man do pokin' round in the dark with a blanky spike? The men lay with their primitive weapons in their hands.

"The whole business." "What 'whole bus' " "Oh, get out! Her stoppin' me, and me goin' pokin' along with her, and her well, her crying and everything, and me being around with her while she felt so upset, I mean. It seems well, it does seem kind o' funny to me." "Why does it?" Fred inquired, preserving his gravity. "Why should it seem funny to you?"

I think he piped me as I blew in, but I ain't sure. He'll be pokin' in here in a minute. If he sees me talkin', to the guy there, for instance, and you give him a steer, he won't look too close. Sabe?" And Overland drank, observing the Easterner at the table over the top of his glass. "They got that guy Overland Red mugged in every station from here to Chicago," whispered Orcutt.

I declare, I never knew lyin' was such a job! When I see how easy and natural it comes to some folks I feel kind of ashamed to think what a poor show I made at it. Well, Sam kept pokin' the fire and heatin' me up till I got desperate and swore I stole the money instead of findin' it. And that was hoppin' out of the fryin' pan INTO the fire," he drawled reflectively. Charles smiled.

"What dat ar you say?" exclaimed Aunt Milly, lifting her woolly head from her pillow, and looking at the little colored girl, who had brought to her the news that "young miss was in de kitchen." "What dat ar you tellin'? Miss 'Leny pokin' 'mong de pots and kittles, and dis ole nigger lazin' in bed jes like white folks. Long as 'twas ole miss, I didn't seer.

You just go pokin' along from day to day, lettin' folks walk over you and never a word!"

"Yes, just that." "That is a strong assertion, Lewis, but coming from you it means something. Step aside here and explain yourself," said Col. Zane, getting up and walking out to the fence. "I don't like the looks of things," said the hunter. "A month ago I ketched this man Miller pokin' his nose round the block-house where he hadn't ought to be. And I kep' watchin' him.

"You keep your tongue to yourself, young feller!" he growled. "I shouldn't never ha' been here at all if it hadn't been for the likes of you a pokin' your nose where it isn't wanted. It's 'cause o' you three comin' aboard o' that there yacht last night as I am here a castaway!" "Well, we're castaways, too, Mr. Chatfield," said Audrey.

Marks gave a discontented growl, and set his empty glass down upon the table with an impatient gesture. "You might have given the money to Phoebe," he said, "as well as have brought it yourself. We don't want no fine ladies up here, pryin' and pokin' their precious noses into everythink." "Luke, Luke!" remonstrated Phoebe, "when my lady has been so kind!" "Oh, damn her kindness!" cried Mr.

It would make her a better wife, she said, and so, because Ella had rather lie on the sofa and read a nice novel than to be pokin' round in the kitchen and tending to things, as he calls it, Mr. Hastings looks blue and talks about woman's duties, and all that nonsense.