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But indulgence in a hobby is not incompatible with the love of a fireside, and the blessings of dulce domum, to say nothing of the placens uxor, who is the only true goddess of the hearth. Yes, dear friend, I confess that I should like that I positively long to marry. That is why, paradoxical as it may appear, I congratulate myself on not being married already.

Your placens uxor, like all ladies in the same predicament, thinks your invitation a little unadvised; and, in real earnest, I have so long a ride to perform, that I would rather eat your oysters another day!" "No, no," said Clutterbuck, with greater eagerness than his even temperament was often hurried into betraying "no, I will go and reason with her myself.

"You swear, sir, to carry out all our directions and to dot down " "I do. I swear solemnly to dot down if you will only this way. Take care of the mat." "We trust you, Mr. Vivian," said Madame, with majestic pathos. "A wife, a mother trusts you. Placens uxus! Mater familiaris." "I pledge my honour. This is the no, no, not that way, not that way!"

At length the time touched upon dinner; Elmore, starting up, adjourned to the drawing-room, in order to present the handsome stranger to the placens uxor the pleasing wife, whom, in passing through the hall, he eulogized with an amazing felicity of diction.

We feel no anxious questionings, as we go about our daily business, whether the placens uxor forgot to remind Mary, when she went out, to pull the blinds down; whether Mary followed the instructions if given; whether those confounded patent ventilators have snapped to again. Green fly does not harass us. One syringing a day, and one watering per week suffice.

The pines and the cypresses which are perceived at various distances in the smiling country of Italy, are also pregnant with solemn remembrances; and this contrast produces the same effect as the verses of Horace, moriture Delli Linquenda tellus, et domus, et placens Uxor, in the midst of poetry consecrated to every enjoyment upon earth.

"He'll quote that line of Horace," I said, "about a placens uxor, but it won't be true." "What does that mean?" "A placid wife," I said, "a gentle, quiet, peaceable sort of wife, who sits beside the fire and knits, purring gently.

Your placens uxor, like all ladies in the same predicament, thinks your invitation a little unadvised; and, in real earnest, I have so long a ride to perform, that I would rather eat your oysters another day!" "No, no," said Clutterbuck, with greater eagerness than his even temperament was often hurried into betraying "no, I will go and reason with her myself.

At length the time touched upon dinner; Elmore, starting up, adjourned to the drawing-room, in order to present the handsome stranger to the placens uxor the pleasing wife, whom, in passing through the hall, he eulogized with an amazing felicity of diction.

Oh, that we had a home!! an unassuming wife placens et tacens uxor; an unpretending house, with a comfortable guest-chamber; and no noiseless nursery, unfendered and uncared for! But the bells of Messina, all let loose together, interrupt our pleasing reverie, and our friends, who have been hovering round us in a boat, are now permitted to approach, and to land with us at our hotel.