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She was piqued, and quickly began conversing with the man on her left, the one who had removed her mask. "It is no use, your smile, mademoiselle. He is impervious, that man. He has no sense or he could not turn his eyes away." "I like best the impervious ones." With a light ripple of laughter she turned again to her right. "Monsieur has forgotten?" "Forgotten?"

Wilfrid kept his position for a minute or so; and then, a little piqued, he moved about. He had inherited the antipathy to the discussion of the money question, and fretted to find it unnecessarily prolonged. "Shall I come to you on this business another time, sir?" "No, God bless my soul!" cried his father; "are you going to keep this hanging over me for ever? Eight hundred, you said."

Indeed, the very few remarks she made during dinner referred to the period of departure of the boat, in which she was to be conveyed to Detroit, and on this subject she displayed an earnestness, which, even Grantham thought, might have been suppressed in the presence of his uncle's family. Perhaps he felt piqued at her readiness to leave him.

"It will not be a bad beginning," he said, as if in justification of himself to himself, "towards retiring from business altogether which I might have done long ago," he added, "but for you, sir!" "It is very well for me you did not," rejoined Cosmo, but declined to explain. This piqued Mr. Burns's curiosity, and he set about his preparations at once.

As nearly as she could, Mrs. Van Vechten learned the particulars of his interview with Rosamond, and, though at first secretly pleased that he had been refused, she felt a very little piqued that her son should thus be dishonored, and when she saw how wretched it had made him, her feelings were enlisted in his behalf, and she tried to soothe him by saying that her brother had a great deal of influence with Rosamond, and they would refer the matter to him.

It is a sort of exercise for tact and discretion an occasion in which that light hand of yours would have a field for employment, and that acute skill in which I know you pride yourself as regards reading character 'You have certainly piqued my curiosity, said Atlee.

His pride was much humiliated by this worthy and just haughtiness; and he was all the more piqued because he left nothing undone in order to bring about a reconciliation, without any other success than that of obtaining fresh disdain, which much increased the public estimation in which this wise and virtuous nobleman was held.

"Why, don't you see, she's thinking how all these lands might have been her uncle's but for you. And instead of trying to be sweet and " here she stopped to cough. "Good God!" said Thatcher in great concern, "I never thought of that." He stopped for a moment, and then added with decision, "I can't believe it; it isn't like her." Mrs. P. was piqued.

The caliph, naturally impatient, and piqued a little at the princess's contradiction, as soon as he saw Mesrour, "Vile slave," said he, "is this a time to laugh? Why do not you tell me which is dead, the husband or the wife?"

You are piqued because I tell you the truth. But when all this has subsided, and you think the matter calmly over, you will be forced to acknowledge that only the purest friendship could prompt me to remonstrate with you on your ruinous career. Of course, if you choose, you can soon wreck yourself; you are your own master; but the infatuation will recoil upon you.