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He had no toleration for those sophistries, and mystifications, and quibbles of the understanding with which persons of intelligence, imbued with affected culture, sometimes amuse themselves; and in defence of the truth Pepe Rey employed at times, and not always with moderation, the weapon of ridicule.

At once," responded Pepe, opening one of his trunks. "This is not a suitable time," said the countryman. "When Senor Don Jose has rested it will be time enough. There are more days than sausages, as the saying is; and after one day comes another. Rest now, Senor Don Jose. Whenever you want to take a ride the nag is not bad. Well, good-day, Senor Don Jose. I am much obliged to you. Ah!

Every day parties of pleasure, every evening magnificent suppers, and every night a great faro bank. The banker at the gaming table was a certain Don Joseph Marratti, the same man whom I had known in the Spanish army under the name of Don Pepe il Cadetto, and a few years afterwards assumed the name of Afflisio, and came to such a bad end.

"No," Charles Gould said, moodily; "it was impossible to leave it alone." "Perhaps it was impossible," Mrs. Gould admitted, slowly. Her lips quivered a little, but she smiled with an air of dainty bravado. "We have disturbed a good many snakes in that Paradise, Charley, haven't we?" "Yes, I remember," said Charles Gould, "it was Don Pepe who called the gorge the Paradise of snakes.

"Sad and tardy vengeance," remarked Bois-Rose; and as if, indeed, the Apaches disdained the efforts of a vanquished foe, the shore preserved its gloomy solitude, and not a single howl accompanied the last groans of the warrior. "Never mind," cried Pepe, stamping his foot in his impotent fury; "I shall die more calmly, the greater number of those demons I have sent before me."

Zorzi was, of course, the small hero of the hour, especially among the women. General Pepe commanded the sortie, with Ulloa, Fontana and Cosenz as his lieutenants; Ugo Bassi, the patriot monk of Bologna, marched at the head of a battalion with the crucifix, the only arms he ever carried, in his hand.

"Senor Caballuco," said the canon, "it is not to be wondered at that gentlemen from the capital should cut out the rough riders of this savage country." "In two words, Pepe, the question is this: Caballuco is " She could not go on for laughing. "Is I don't know just what," said Don Inocencio, "of one of the Troya girls, of Mariquita Juana, if I am not mistaken." "And he is jealous!

But even so, the idea of his marrying his daughter pleased him; a painter as a son-in-law; his grandchildren painters, the blood of Renovales perpetuated in a dynasty of artists who would fill history with their glory. "But, oh, Pepe! I'm afraid the girl will choose the other. After all, she's a woman. And women appreciate only what they see, gallantry and youth."

And between ourselves, they are not altogether wanting in reason in this case. Besides, Uncle Licurgo likes you greatly. He has told me so himself. From the moment he saw you, you took his fancy, and the poor old man has conceived such an affection for you " "Oh, yes a profound affection!" murmured Pepe.

And as they walked slowly towards the inn, he told her of Pépe and his coca-leaves; of the Peruvian Indians' use of them to resist hunger and fatigue; and of how the little man had given his all, which he could not replace, to help la señorita roja over the roughness of her way. "I had to keep a little in a bit of paper to satisfy him," said Dick.