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Helen has a strong will and is sometimes rather exacting, while you're an obstinate fellow and a little too practical. I must wait until I know more than I do now, but might be of some use as a peacemaker. Isn't it possible to compromise? Can't you meet half way?" "Not in the meantime. I can't go home until I'm able to run the farm without your sister's help.

In his mind he vaguely pondered whether he should strike that long-legged Englishman in the face and call him a coward, or whether such conduct in a lady's presence might be deemed ungentlemanly, when Marguerite happily interposed. "I pray you, Lord Tony," she said in that gentle, sweet, musical voice of hers, "I pray you play the peacemaker.

I thought I would keep it, for a peacemaker partly." "My dear friend," said Lady Bassett, "you are speaking riddles to me; what tippet?" "The tippet your son took off his own shoulders, and put it round my girl, that terrible night they were lost in the wood. Forgive me keeping it, Lady Bassett I know I was little better than a thief; but it was only a tippet to you, and to me it was much more.

"Well said, honest Bryan," cried the duke; "you have one quality of a good landlord that of a peacemaker. Give the knave a cup of ale, and let him wash down his foul words in a health to the king, wishing him a speedy divorce and a new queen, and he shall then sit among us again."

She had all along been rather sensitive about being sent by express, and could not bear any allusion to the subject. "There, that's Miss Dimple herself. Let me shake hands with your Dimpleship! Didn't come to New York to take a joke, did you?" "No, her Dimpleship came to New York to get warm," said Peacemaker Prudy; "and so did I, too. You don't know how cold it is in Maine."

"My Lord Duke," replied March, "when the service of the King requires it, I can ride with ten times as many horse as your Grace has named; but I have never done so either traitorously to entrap the King nor boastfully to overawe other nobles." "Brother Robert," said the King, ever anxious to be a peacemaker, "you do wrong even to intimate a suspicion of my Lord of March.

If we give due weight to the order of these Beatitudes, we shall feel that Christ's peacemaker must be something more than a mere composer of men's quarrels.

"No, sir, thank you; but if I am, at any time, I'll come to you for a peacemaker." "Oh, look who's here!" cried Lollie, spying a strange figure walking across the lawn. The group joined the others and found themselves invited to take a seat in the rows of chairs which were lined up in front of an interesting-looking table.

Arete, the beloved wife of Alcinous played an important part as peacemaker in the kingdom of her husband.” Gladstone, Homeric Studies, Vol. II, p. 507. Donaldson, Woman, pp. 18-19. If we turn to the evidence of the ancient mythology and art, it is also clear that the number of female deities must be connected with the early predominance of women in Greece.

It did not take them very long to see that they were all of one mind, and then they both turned to Gordon and dropped on one knee, and placed his hands on their foreheads, and Stedman raised his cap. "They agree," he explained, for it was but pantomime to Albert. "They salute you as a ruler; they are calling you Tellaman, which means peacemaker. The Peacemaker, that is your title.