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"and I" "and I" "and I" came the answers, in such numbers that Napoleon saw that his little stock would soon be exhausted; and, indeed, he was not overfond of chestnut bread. So he improved on his idea. "Piece for piece, I will exchange, as I offered," he announced. "But there are too many of you.

Though it sounds to me, as if she thought she would have no difficulty as to travel." "Sounds that way to me, too; but I suppose her father can look after such details. Queer message from her father." "Not at all. You said he wasn't overfond of you, so as he sends his respects to you, I don't think you need ask for more."

I happened to be present when this curtain was first unrolled, and beheld spread out before me a most realistic presentation of "little old New York," seen from the North River, towering against blue American skies. And though I have never been overfond of New York, that curtain in that place gave me a sensation!

Copernicus Droop was overfond of the bottle, and in spite of the prohibition laws of his State, he proved himself a blessed example and warning by a too frequent and unmistakable intoxication in public. He was gentle and even apologetic in his cups, but he was clearly a "slave of rum" and his mission was therefore fulfilled.

Jeanne was very glad of the friendly twilight. She felt her face grow red and cold by turns. "And the maiden Owaissa will be very happy," she said half in assertion, half inquiry. "He is smart and handsome, but tricky at times, and overfond of brandy. But if a girl gets the man she wants all is well for a time, at least."

Of course there is not a word of truth in these contemptible stories, and the prince's reputation as a perfect husband and a healthy-minded gentleman, stands high, even in Berlin, where people are overfond of scandalous gossip. Certainly there are plenty of stories current about the pranks that he has played, but these are all of an innocent and boyish character.

"Let me make it for you," said Beulah, coming forward. "Not you! At your peril, you touch it. You are overfond of the sour, miss. Alice knows exactly how to suit me." "So you have turned homeopathist? take acids to " "None of your observations, if you please. Just be good enough to open the shutters, will you? It is as hot in this room as if the equator ran between my feet and the wall.

"His master is in his grave in auld Greyfriars kirkyard, and the dog has aye slept there on the mound." The magistrate leaned over his desk. "Man, no dog could sleep in the open for one winter in this climate. Are you fond of romancing, Mr. Traill?" "No' so overfond, your Honor.

He nosed around unsuccessfully until pitch dark, then came into camp, and with great philosophy stood tail to the fire until morning. I could always jump off anywhere for a shot, without even the necessity of "tying him to the ground," by throwing the reins over his head. He would wait for me, although he was never overfond of firearms. Nevertheless Bullet had his own sense of dignity.

The fortune this boy had inherited was unfortunately too vast and too well-invested by his overfond and madly foolish father for the son to run through it entirely. A very few years left him an imbecile in body and mind, to become the prey of a parcel of sharks who, dressing in purple and fine linen and faring sumptuously every day, held him in a state of abject slavery and fear.