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"You'll tell me about Jim Clay, won't you?" I said; "for I am an Australian one of those you consider entitled to be termed a real aristocrat. My people for several generations have practically worked in the building of the State, though I must admit they belonged to the leisured class at home." "Well, that ain't nothink agen 'em when they don't make it nothink agen 'em, if you understand.

We'd take it wery koind on 'em, wouldn't us? Wery koind, upon my word, us would? He has a quick sense of a dog in the vicinity, and will extend his modestly-injured propitiation to the dog chained up in your yard; remarking, as he slinks at the yard gate, 'Ah! You are a foine breed o' dog, too, and YOU ain't kep for nothink!

'E'll just borrer the hand-barrer from the livery in the mews, sir, and wheel it round 'isself, in 'arf an hour, and make nothink of it. Just you give me the ticket, and set you right down there, and I'll make you and the lady a cup of tea at once, and John'll bring round the luggage by the time you've got your things off. Ernest looked at Edie, and Edie looked at Ernest.

Thus admonished, he spoke, without knowing why in a subdued voice. "You are surprised to see me, Tottie?" "I'm surprised at nothink, sir. 'Taint possible to surprise me with anythink in this life." "D'you expect to be surprised by anything in any other life, Tottie?" asked Aspel, more amused by the air of the child than by her answer. "P'r'aps. Don't much know, and don't much care," said Tottie.

I've had a hinstinc' of it, my lady; from the first moment I set eyes on him;" Caley's speech was never classic; when she was excited it was low. " And when I 'ave a hinstinc' of anythink, he's not a dog as barks for nothink. Mark my words and I'm sure I beg your pardon, my lady but that man will bring shame on the house.

They's jest one way you c'n make it safe. Come in along of us an' do what we do. You wouldn't be a reform school runaway if you hadn't never been up to nothink. This'll be easy for you." It was a temptation that would have tried boys of firmer principle than Glen. This man might do something awful to him if he resisted.

There's nothink to be made at farmin', delvin' and scrapin' your eyeballs out for no return," said this youngster, who did barely enough to keep him in exercise, who had been fed to repletion, and comfortably clothed and bedded all his sixteen years. Luncheon or dinner was enlivened by an altercation between Dawn and her uncle.

Though there's nothink before me but the parish when the time does come. Egremont glanced at the strange creature in surprise, but it seemed better to say nothing. He began to speak of the aspects of the room with his companion. The place was cheerless beyond description.

"You mustn't take on like that, Missis," whispered one of them as they were leaving the cottage door; "the doctor said for sartin that there warn't no bones broken, and 'e didn't think there was nothink internal." "It ain't that I'm afear'd of," whimpered poor Mrs Marrot, "but it does go to my 'art so, to 'ear my John speak in that voice.

But this arternoon, arter what I'm a-tellin' you, he just goes through with me and says, "Nell's lookin' pretty fit," or "How's Prince's bad knee?" just as if nothink had happened at all. I says to myself, "Milord, you're a thoroughbred, you are," for he makes me think o' Mister Malcolm's bull-terrier, he do. Breed? That there dog has a ancestry as would do credit to a Egyptian mummy.