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Well, I will cancel your date. But Buntline was not to be balked in this way, and asked Nixon what he would rent the theater one week for. 'One thousand dollars, said Nixon. 'It's my theater, said Buntline, making out a check for the amount.

As the evening wore on I told her the events of the day, dwelling admiringly upon Craig's generalship. She smiled at this. 'He got me too, she said. 'Nixon was sent to me just before the sports; and I don't think he will break down to-day, and I am so thankful. And her eyes glowed. 'I am quite sure he won't, I thought to myself, but I said no word.

It was agreed that Craig should remain with Nixon while the others of us should gather up what fragments we could find of the broken League. We had just opened the door, when we met a man striding up at a great pace. It was Geordie Crawford. 'Hae ye seen the lad? was his salutation. No one replied. So I told Geordie of my last sight of Billy in the orchestra.

'I, sir, transact my own business; you, I am told, act by a ragged deputy. Without further answer, Nixon departed, rather disconcerted, as it seemed to Darsie. 'That dog turns insolent and lazy, said Redgauntlet; but I must bear with him for a while. A moment after, Nixon returned with Ewart. 'Is this the smuggling fellow? demanded Redgauntlet. Nixon nodded.

But Nixon has insinuated himself into all my uncle's secrets, and some of these are so dark and dangerous, that though there are few things he would not dare, I doubt if he dare quarrel with him. And yet I know that of Cristal would move my uncle to pass his sword through his body. 'What is it, for Heaven's sake?, said Darsie. 'I have a particular desire for wishing to know.

He took my hand, looked at me intently, with his grey eyes very thoughtful and steady, and then said quietly, "Samuel Nixon, Bachelor of Arts, sometime Demy of Magdalen College, Oxford." "Commonly called 'Swift Nicks," I added, smiling. "Right first time," he cried gleefully, and shot off like an arrow towards Manchester. So Nance Lousely had not got her pinnerfull of guineas after all.

The highland Fling competition was on at the moment, and Angus Campbell, Lachlan's brother, was representing the lumber camps in the contest. Nixon looked on approvingly for a few moments, then with a quick movement he seized the little Highlander, swung him in his powerful arms clean off the floor, and deposited him gently upon a beer-barrel.

John Lanyon wrote to the Navy Commissioners from Plymouth, May 16th: "Understands from the seamen that the conduct of Captains Nixon and Stanesby in their late engagement with two Dutch capers was very foul; the night they left the Dutch, no lights were put out as formerly, and though in sight of them in the morning, they still kept on their way; the Eagle lay by some time, and both the enemy's ships plied on her, but finding the Elizabeth nearly out of sight she also made sail; it is true the wind and sea were high, but there were no sufficient reasons for such endeavours to get from them."

The parts were then all copied off separately by the clerks, and handing us our respective portions Buntline said: "Now, boys, go to work, and do your level best to have this dead-letter perfect for the rehearsal, which takes place to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, prompt. I want to show Nixon that we'll be ready on time."

So that were it not for our Plymouth business I would be glad to be rid of it. By water to the Duke of Albemarle, where I hear that Nixon is condemned to be shot to death, for his cowardice, by a Council of War.