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What could it proceed from? not from the burned cottage he had smelt that smell before indeed this was by no means the first accident of the kind which had occurred through the negligence of this unlucky young firebrand. Much less did it resemble that of any known herb, weed or flower. A premonitory moistening at the same time overflowed his nether lip. He knew not what to think.

She picked her way through the debris; she dropped her head from the burning; she felt her delicate garments moistening with perspiration, her hair dampening; the dust sifted up through the air. Over in the large corral a bronco buster, assisted by two of the cowboys, was engaged in roping and throwing some wild mustangs. The sight was wonderful, but here the dust billowed in clouds.

The tears were again moistening his immense beard, but this time he hastily brushed them away, and went on, "Yes, that’s a capital idee, and you want me to patternize you by sending my two galshey? Well, I reckon I can’t do better, if they want to go. Ho! TempestSunshinewhat d’ye say? D’ye want to go back to Frankfort and board at Miss Crane’s, ’long of Mr. Miller, Dr.

Soon, throughout the church, here and there, a wife, a mother, a sister, seized by the strange sympathy of poignant emotion, and affected at the sight of those handsome ladies on their knees, shaken with sobs was moistening her cambric pocket handkerchief and pressing her beating heart with her left hand.

He rose from the bed and looked round at the brown faces circled about him in the shine of the lamps. "I'll not tell you a thing not a thing." He stood there chalk-faced, his lips so dry that he had to keep moistening them with the tip of his tongue. Two thoughts hammered in his head. One was that he had come to the end of his trail, the other that he would game it out without weakening.

But the message that Patsy received was this: "Important see you to-morrow night, smaller avenue gate, ten o'clock. To this Patsy had replied, moistening the stub of her "killevine" in her mouth as she had been wont to do at school: "Dear Jean, of course I shall be there!" Never fell gloaming so slowly for Spy Eben of Stonykirk as that of Friday the 26th of June.

He asked the Rebels who were around him for a drink of water; but, instead of moistening his parched lips, one pointed his gun at him and threatened to blow out his brains. They stripped off his coat and picked his pockets. Around him were hundreds of dead men. The day wore away and the night came on. He opened his lips to drink the falling dew, and lay with his face towards the stars.

But, apart from this, grass is more easily and completely digested than hay, though the digestion of the latter may be greatly aided by cutting and moistening, or steaming; and by this means it is rendered more readily available, and hence far better adapted to promote a large secretion of milk a fact too often overlooked even by many intelligent farmers.

He turned and fled down across the field over the fence to the humble cabin in the valley. This he entered, now so quiet and desolate. He reached the bed his father's bed and throwing himself upon it gave vent to his grief. His pent-up feelings at last found an outlet and tears coursed down his tanned cheeks, moistening the pillow beneath his little curly head. Glendow Rectory

And the careful housekeeper, to whom some one came every moment and seized her keys to get spare linen or silverware, to open another room, thinking of the throwing open of her stores of treasures, of the plundering of her wardrobes and her sideboards, remembering the condition in which the visit of the former bey had left the château, devastated as by a cyclone, said in her patois, feverishly moistening the thread of her distaff: "May God's fire devour all beys and all future beys!"