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Another pretty little house, white and green blinds, and plant in bloom; the name on the door and on her list was "Smith." That told her very little. She was ushered into what was evidently the family sitting-room, and a pretty enough room it was; occupied just now by three merry girls, who hushed their laugh as she entered, and by a matronly lady, whom one of them called "mother."

Roger Morton drew herself up, and then dropped a courtesy it was an involuntary piece of good breeding it was extorted by the noble countenance, the matronly mien of Catherine, different from what she had anticipated she dropped the courtesy, and Catherine took her hand and pressed it. "This is my son;" she turned away her head. Sidney advanced towards his protectress who was to be, and Mrs.

Now be a-going so as to be a-coming the sooner." With which admonition Mother took her departure down the garden path. She was tall and broad, was Mother Mayberry, and in her walk was left much of the lissome strength of her girlhood to lighten the matronly dignity of her carriage.

The great merchant himself was out; but he was admitted into the presence of the mistress of the family, who received him with a sweet and matronly grace. She wore her soft brown hair without the addition of any false curls, a rich grey silk gown woven by the Huguenot weavers in Spitalfields, a Norwich-crape shawl, and fine Flemish cambric in her cap, neckerchief, and ruffles.

"That's right," says Eliza, as she begins to cut a loaf of bread. A little older she looks; her form a little fuller; her air more matronly than of yore; but evidently contented and happy as woman need be. "Harry, my boy, how did you come on in that sum, today?" says George, as he laid his land on his son's head.

She matronly now and of ampler bosom, yet still very beautiful to look upon was standing there by the rose-tree, scissors in hand. Allan, Junior, now a rugged, hardy-looking chap of nearly sixteen tall, well built and with his father's peculiar alertness of bearing was bending down a high branch for his mother.

Our great Schroder-Devrient was obviously no longer of an age to give the desired effect as the youngest of the vestal virgins; she had acquired matronly contours, and her age was moreover accentuated by the extremely girlish-looking high- priestess with whom she had to act, and whose youth it was difficult to dissimulate.

Her daughter, her only child, as she was wont to confide to her matronly friends for her boy, whom she loved as only a mother can love a son, she believed she would never see again was about to be married. No visit to town, not even a sea voyage across the ocean could possibly compare with this.

At the first of these dates he was in Paris, where he remained till the middle of May, 1856, greatly fêted by the French world of letters and art; dining hither and thither; now enjoying an Arabian Nights sort of banquet given by Emile de Girardin, the popular journalist; now meeting George Sand, the great novelist, whom he describes as "just the sort of woman in appearance whom you might suppose to be the queen's monthly nurse chubby, matronly, swarthy, black-eyed;" then studying French art, and contrasting it with English art, somewhat to the disadvantage of the latter; anon superintending the translation of his works into French, and working hard at "Little Dorrit;" and all the while frequenting the Paris theatres with great assiduity and admiration.

If I may walk beside you, sir, after this good woman has fetched me the rose thank you, madam and provided me with a pin from the chevaux de frise in her bodice and again, madam, I thank you: you wear the very cuirass of matronly virtue I should enjoy, sir, to tell you my history. It is a somewhat curious one."