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It was dusk now, yet he could distinguish the distant wooded boundaries of the great fields framed by the darkening sky. Then in the silence he heard the thud of hoofs. "PRICE," began Mahaffy.

Whatever their interest, it was plainly centered in the boy. He passed out into the hall. As the door closed on him the judge turned again to the Scratch Hiller. "Mr. Yancy, Mr. Mahaffy and I hold your nephew in the tenderest regard, he has been our constant companion ever since you were lost to him.

About them, in the ruddy glow of their camp-fire, rose the dark wall of the forest. "I crave opportunity, Solomon the indorsement of my own class. I feel that I shall have it here," resumed the judge pensively. But Mahaffy was sad in his joy, sober in his incipientent drunkenness.

He began to load the pistols afresh with feverish haste, and Mahaffy, staring at him in amazement, saw that of a sudden the sweat was dripping from him. But the judge's excitement prevented his attempting another shot at once, twice his hand was raised, twice it was lowered, the third time the pistol cracked and the candle's flame was blown level, fluttered for a brief instant, and went out.

"He thinks he has!" muttered the judge under his breath. "Will you come in?" it was more a question than an invitation. "If you are at liberty." The colonel bowed. "Allow me," the judge continued. "Colonel Fentress Mr. Mahaffy, Mr. Yancy and Mr. Cavendish." Again the colonel bowed. "Will you step into the library?" "Very good," and the judge followed the colonel briskly down the hall.

We all get something like the education we desire, and Oscar Wilde, it always seemed to me, was over-educated, had learned, that is, too much from books and not enough from life and had thought too little for himself; but my readers will be able to judge of this for themselves. In 1877 he accompanied Professor Mahaffy on a long tour through Greece.

I got 'em in a panic, sir presently some fellow will lose his nerve and light out for the tall timber and it will be just Judge Slocum Price who's done the trick no one else!" "Are you looking for some one to take a pot shot at you?" inquired Mahaffy sourly.

Mahaffy never lets him but now he won't be able to stop him." "Oh, Hannibal, Hannibal, what can he do there what can any one do there?" And a dead pallor overspread the girl's face. To speak of the blind groping of her friends but served to fix the horror of their situation in her mind.

Mahaffy went to Athens and measured the theater; and found it not so big by any means. They could have worked out our theories and practice in it, had they wanted to, so far as that goes. Coarse buffoonish country festivals do not of themselves evolve into grand art or solemn occasions; you must seek a cause for that evolution, and find it in an impulse arisen in some human mind.

What sort of a fizzle would it have been if I hadn't been on hand to impart distinction to the occasion?" "I don't begrudge 'em their liquor," said Mahaffy with acid dignity. "I do," interrupted the judge. "I hope it's poison to 'em. "It will be in the long run, if it's any comfort to you to know it." "It's no comfort, it's not near quick enough," said the judge relentlessly.