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The convicted sinner, the penitent, had nothing in common with Hubert Lepel, as known to the world at large. Presently he came to himself a little and sat up, with his hands clasped round his knees. Some strange thoughts visited him in those quiet moments. What if he gave up the attempt to brave life out? What if he acknowledged the truth and cleared poor Westwood's name?

He had an instinctive understanding of the suffering that the child would endure if she were not in kindly hands; and he did not think that the atmosphere of a large semi-public institution would be favorable to her future welfare. Mrs. Rumbold looked at him in open-eyed perplexity. "But, Mr. Lepel, what do you want?"

The Duke returned not his salute, and Lepel could not tell whether or no his arrow had gone home through the armour of chilly pride and silence. He himself strode angry and ashamed down the street. That same evening a Council of Three was held in the lodging, Mrs. Gunning with her mask of smiles laid by, Maria fretful, Elizabeth grave and retired in her own thoughts.

Hubert Lepel. I don't think it is too much to ask; and it's the one condition I make before I give my consent to his marrying you." "I will tell him, father. Perhaps he will not mind." "If he minds, he won't be worthy of you that's all I've got to say," said Westwood, rising to his feet and preparing to leave the room.

To paraphrase the language of the then recently appointed Agent to the Governor-General for Central India Sir Lepel Griffin in his first Administrative Report, that for 1880-1881, the happy effects of the training some of the leading Chiefs of Malwa received under Aberigh-Mackay were visible in the improved administration of their States.

"I ought to remember," said Hubert thoughtfully, "because I know I wrote it; but an author does not always recall his old stories very accurately, Miss West. It was a short tale for a Christmas number, I know. What was there in it that could cause you to honor me in this way, I wonder?" "Ah, don't laugh at me, please, Mr. Lepel!"

And what I say is that somebody related to Miss Lepel found out the truth and shot him like a dog." "Why did you not think of all this at the right time? Oh, father, it is too late now!" "I'm not so sure of that. And, as for the gun well, that often puzzled me; for I hadn't fired it myself that afternoon, Cynthy, and yet it had been fired and that's what made part of the evidence against me.

Eden's plan is a herculean effort day by day repeated; but to set texts is easy, easier even than to learn them and how easy that is appears from the multitude of incurable felons who have swapped texts for tickets-of-leave. Messieurs Lepel, who teach solitary depressed sinners the Bible with screw and lifted lash and no love nor pity, a word in your ear. Begin a step higher.

Richmond; Benjamin Sewis, an old half-caste butler; various domestic servants; and a little boy, christened Harry Lepel Richmond, the squire's grandson.

H. Lepel visits her constant, and is said to be going to marry her. She is what gentlemen call good-looking, though too dark for my taste. It does not seem to be generally known that she has a parent living. "Yours respectfully, "SABINA MELDRETH." Mrs. Vane read this letter with considerable surprise.