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"'I'll be in hell or hame, says he, 'in forty minutes. At the Quay Inn it was, and his horse lathered and foaming and wild wi' fear. Aweel, Mr Hamish, he's no hame yet.

About noon I stopped at a blacksmith's shop, half dead with pain, and had my arm dressed and a big jolt of whiskey. As the posse rode up to me, sittin' in the sun by the lathered flanks of my horse and nursin' my arm, Jim yells out: "Here he is! Surround him, boys! You're our prisoner!" "No! I'm blamed if I am," I says. "You'll have to get another desperado. After this, I'm the sheriff!"

We went the whole way back to Witley, and there, at the inn, found the horse lathered with foam. The animal had entered the yard riderless!" "What fools I have to serve me!" said Rosmore, laughing derisively. "Apart from the woman, it would have been failure from beginning to end." The derision hurt Watson. "Care must be taken even of her, my lord." "What do you mean?"

Those whiskers of yours won't look any the worse for a chopping." Peterson laughed, and lathered his face, while Bannon put an edge on the razor, testing it with a hair. "Say, that's about the best yet," said Peterson, after the first stroke. "You're right it is." Bannon looked on for a few minutes, then he took a railroad "Pathfinder" from his grip and rapidly turned the pages.

Rick lathered a hot dog with mustard and took a satisfying bite. It was a down-to-earth hot dog with no mystery, no eerieness about it, for which he was grateful. He hadn't admitted it, but the incident in the mine had shaken him. Dr. Miller passed the milk pitcher to Rick, then asked, "Are you certain you heard laughter? It wasn't a trick of the wind?"

The workmen were beginning their dinners under the big trees, but as Sam Warden drew in the lathered horses at the gate, they set down their tin buckets hastily and ran to help Joe lift the old man out. Carefully they bore him into the house and laid him upon a bed in one of the finished rooms.

I was uneasy, although charmed, amid these new surroundings. I did not know what to answer, and mechanically I dipped the tip of my finger into the little china pot in which the soap was being lathered. "What is the matter, darling?" said he, approaching his face to mine; "have I offended you?"

The whole camp had now clustered round the fallen men, the professor grotesque in his thickly lathered face, Dick intensely interested and enjoying this fall-out among thieves, the experts and financial men voluble and uneasy.

"Right, sir," said the man, in the most unruffled way, and slipping off his coat he turned up his sleeves, placed a chair for the Sheikh, opened the doctor's dressing-case, brought out shaving-box, strop, and razors, and then made the old chief look a little askance as one of the latter was opened, examined, and laid down, while the brush and shaving-box were brought so vigorously into action, that in a very short time the Arab's head was thoroughly lathered, and left to soak.

Father Neptune came on board and those of the crew who had never crossed the Equator were hunted out of their hiding places, dragged on deck, lathered with a whitewash brush dipped in old grease, shaved with a lath-razor, and then tumbled unceremoniously backward into a cask of water.