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Holy Maria have pity on his early fate, and listen to my prayers! So good a child and so brave a man can have no great need of masses for his soul, or his death would have been doubly grievous to me, since I am too poor to buy them." "Thou hast a grandson?" "I had one, noble senator; I hope he still lives." "He is not with thee in thy labors on the Lagunes?"

But there were warm hearts beating within those cold lagunes, and no conqueror returning from a brilliant series of victories could have been received with more affectionate respect than William in that darkest hour of the country's history.

Peat was not only the fuel for the fireside, but for the extensive fabrics of the country, and its advantages so much excited the admiration of the Venetian envoys that they sent home samples of it, in the hope that the lagunes of Venice might prove as prolific of this indispensable article as the polders of Holland.

In the music class, in the ballads she sang, there was nothing but little angels with golden wings, madonnas, lagunes, gondoliers;-mild compositions that allowed her to catch a glimpse athwart the obscurity of style and the weakness of the music of the attractive phantasmagoria of sentimental realities. Some of her companions brought "keepsakes" given them as new year's gifts to the convent.

"Justice and mercy are not always companions," calmly observed he who wore the horned bonnet, motioning to his officious attendants to let the intruder stay. "Mighty prince! I come for the last." "Who and what art thou?" "A fisherman of the Lagunes. One named Antonio, who seeketh the liberty of the prop of his years a glorious boy, that force and the policy of the state have torn from me."

Annina, who in the manner of most of her class in Italy, that had been exposed to the intrigues of the towns, had been lavish of her words, now found means to cast a glance at the water, when she saw that the boat had already quitted the canals, and was rowing easily out upon the Lagunes.

Honorius retired to its lagunes for safety; Odoacer, who dethroned the last Cæsar of the West, succeeded him; and was in turn, supplanted by Theodoric the Ostrogoth. Ravenna, as we see it now, recalls the peaceful and half-Roman rule of the great Gothic king.

He was rowed to the leading gondola, and, by a sign, directed to the dead body. "Thou see'st that corpse, father?" continued his conductor. "It is the face of one who was an upright and pious Christian!" "He was." "We all knew him as the oldest and the most skilful fisherman of the Lagunes, and one ever ready to assist an unlucky companion." "I can believe thee!"

The atolls of the Pacific circular or oval rings of coral with lagunes of sea-water within have long been thought to be built on the rims of submarine volcanoes, rising to within a few hundred feet of the surface, much as coral reefs around actual islands.

"'Tis common for us of the Lagunes to go to a supperless bed: take away the basket, good Jacopo, and let us speak of other things." The Bravo ceased to press his food upon the fisherman. Laying aside his basket, he sat brooding over what had occurred. "Hast thou come thus far for naught else, good Jacopo?" demanded the old man, willing to weaken the shock of his refusal.