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He was glad when Crown changed the subject. "Hastings, you saw the reporters this afternoon I've been wondering they asked me did they ask you whether you suspected the valet Jarvis?" "Of what?" "Killing her." "No; they didn't ask me." "Funny," said Crown, ill at ease. "They asked me." "So you said," Hastings reminded, looking hard at him. "Well!" Crown blurted it out. "Do you suspect him?

It had all the imperfections of unskilful improvisation and its subject was gruesome. It told a tale of shipwreck and of thirst, and of one brother killing another for the sake of a gourd of water. A repulsive story which might have had a purpose but possessed no moral whatever.

As we walk down the streets, we see staring at us in large letters from a billboard, "Stop that Cough! It is Killing you!" Yet few things could be more obvious to even the feeblest intelligence, than that this "killing" cough is simply an attempt on the part of the body to expel and get rid of irritating materials in the upper air-passages.

So he turned round, and struck his sword upon the floor, and asked me whether I was one of them `Who are you then? and I all my courage went away, and I answered, I was a poor rat-catcher. `A rat-catcher, are you? Well then, Mr Rat-catcher, when you are killing rats, if you find a nest of young ones, don't you kill them too?

"We shall never succeed," said the sub-editor, shaking his romantic hair, "till we run it for the Upper Ten. These ten people can make the paper, just as they are now killing it by refusing their countenance." "But they must surely reckon with us sooner or later," said Raphael. "It will he a long reckoning. I fear: you take my advice and put in more butter. It'll be kosher butter, coming from us."

Once, near Weary Man's Rest, I had been on the point of killing them; but they had been the leaders of our winter's team, and we could not bear the sacrifice. I need not detail our journey any farther.

There are plenty of bad things that want killing, and a day will come when they will prove useful. But I must see first whether you will do as I tell you. 'That I will! said Curdie. 'What is it, ma'am? 'Only something not to do, answered the old lady; 'if you should hear anyone speak about me, never to laugh or make fun of me.

They'd live-trap or sleep-gas Fuzzies; they'd put them in cages, and torment them with maze and electric-shock experiments, and kill a few for dissection, or maybe not bother killing them first. On his own land, if they did anything like that, he could do something about it. "Not at all. I'll have to remind you again, though, that you're to treat these little people with consideration."

They tempt me when they grow here; they seem to say, 'Come and do something with us'; but once I have cut them and put them by, the charm is laid, and I can look at them with quite an easy heart." "You wish to possess them," replied Will, "in order to think no more about them. It's a bit like killing the goose with the golden eggs. It's a bit like what I wished to do when I was a boy.

I remember hearing him speak in barracks soon after the murder of Shingarev and Kokoshkin, urging class struggle and at the same time explaining the difference between that and the murder of sick men in bed. He referred to the murder and, while continuing his speech, talking already of another subject, be went through the actions of a man approaching a bed and killing a sleeper with a pistol.