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At first I thowt it were nobbut a sheep, but when I'd keeked at it a bit langer I knew it weren't a sheep at all; 'twere a lass o' about t' same size as misel." At this point in the story alertness of mind was depicted on the face of every listener.

Often, though, as she passed his window she had keeked sideways at the letters, as bairns might look at parlys. If he made a tinkle with his hammer at such times off she went at once, for she was as easily flichtered as a field of crows, that take wing if you tap your pipe on the loof of your hand.

Then she felt round in the dark and keeked about, wondering what kind of place she was in. And at that very moment, through a bit window in the wall " "She went ben first." "Oh, yes. She went ben; and at that very moment, through the bit window in the back-end of the house, there came a ray of light. The sun "

This reference alludes to a windmill which I erected on the top of my workshop, to drive the apparatus below. It was the mirror of a reflecting telescope which was in progress. The windmill went on night and day, and polished the speculum while I slept. In the small hours of the morning I keeked through the corner of the window blinds and saw it hard at work.

It was a braw spring morn, and Tam whustled as he claught in the young geese. Mony's the time I heard him tell of this experience, and aye the swat ran upon the man. It chanced, ye see, that Tam keeked up, and he was awaur of a muckle solan, and the solan pyking at the line. He thocht this by-ordinar and outside the creature's habits.

"It was the Egyptian I was to tell you about," Dave said, looking to the sheriff. "Ah, yes, you only tell tales about women," said Halliwell. "Strange women," corrected Dave. I keeked through a hole in the door, and I saw it was an Egyptian lassie 'at I had never clapped een on afore.

It was on the hasp, an' he pushed it open, an' keeked bauldly in. It was a big room, as big as the minister's ain, an' plenished wi' grand, auld, solid gear, for he had naething else.

Agnes had orders not to answer the door until her mistress had keeked through the window. "She's expecting a veesitor, methinks," said Corp. This was his bright day. "Ay," answered Agnes, "but is't a man-body, or just a woman-body?" Leaving the rebels in the Lair stunned by Victoria's latest move, we now return to Thrums, where Miss Ailie's excited state had indeed been the talk of many.

But there were times, she held, when Carlyle must have made his wife a glorious woman. 'As when? I might inquire. 'When she keeked in at his study door and said to herself, "The whole world is ringing with his fame, and he is my man!" 'And then, I might point out, 'he would roar to her to shut the door.

"I kent the books o' the Bible by heart," said Elspeth, scornfully, "when I was a sax year auld." "So did I," said Waster Lunny, "and I ken them yet, except when I'm hurried. When Mr. Dishart gave out Ezra he a sort o' keeked round the kirk to find out if he had puzzled onybody, and so there was a kind o' a competition among the congregation wha would lay hand on it first. That was what doited me.