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Well, I want you to go abroad with ME for any number of years. Which offer do you accept?" "Only one of them seems to require immediate consideration," she returned, with a smile. Glennard looked at her again. "You're not thinking of it?" Her gaze dropped and she unclasped her hands. Her movements were so rare that they might have been said to italicize her words.

My godly grandfather did the same, and was never one whit the worse for liquor in his life. Their sons and grandsons cannot do it without ruining themselves, body and soul. I italicize the sentence. I wish I could write it in letters of fire over the door of every liquor saloon.

Most of the horses we had had along these Normandy high-roads, had answered to names that had helped to italicize the features of the country. Could Poulette, the sturdy little mare, with whom only an hour ago we had parted forever, have been given a better sobriquet by which to have identified for us the fat landscape?

Our English, at the close of the dinner, consented to say it was good, without specifying a dish, because a selection of this or that would have seemed to italicize, and commit, them, in the presence of ladies, to a notice of the matter of-course, beneath us, or the confession of a low sensual enjoyment; until Lady Grace Halley named the particular dressing of a tete de veau approvingly to Victor; and he stating, that he had offered a suggestion for the menu of the day, Nataly exclaimed, that she had suspected it: upon which Mr.

"Now on the Chicago Tribune we used to italicize the names of churches, boats, books, hotels, and things of that sort. That's the only paper I ever knew to do that," he remarked. What slugs, sticks, galleys, turnovers, meant, came rapidly to the surface.

I must here be allowed to italicize a remark of the biographer's concerning Harriet Shelley: "That no act of Shelley's during the two years which immediately preceded her death tended to cause the rash act which brought her life to its close seems certain." Yet her husband had deserted her and her children, and was living with a concubine all that time!

"But surely " I exclaimed, and mentioned the man who had so favorably impressed me. "Well," said the editor, reluctantly, after a pause, "I admit he has the new sense of right and wrong to a greater extent than any of his rivals." I italicize the heart of the phrase, because it is italicized in my memory. No words that I heard in the United States more profoundly struck me.

And that because of its implying that "He never interferes to guide the operation of physical causes. We italicize the word, for interference proves to be the keynote of Dr. Hodge's system. Interference with a divinely ordained physical Nature for the accomplishment of natural results!

"I haven't talked with any one but Uncle Sidney; and the most I could get out of him was that you wanted thirty-five million dollars to spend." "Well," said the Westerner anxiously, "am I going to get it?" "You can search me," was the good-natured rejoinder. "But from my knowledge of the men you are going presently to wrestle with, I should say 'no' and italicize it."

You know the Oriental proverb: "A fool asks more questions in an hour than a wise man in a year." But as neither my companion nor myself had any pretensions to wisdom we asked away merrily. "Wait a bit," said my American. I italicize this phrase because it will recur frequently, like the pull of the rope which gives the impetus to the swing. "Wait a bit!