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But I am quite well. I did not send for him. He called of himself, and wanted to persuade me I was ill." I understood that she felt injured by his interference. "You should attend to his advice, though. He is a prudent man, and not in the least given to alarming people without cause." She returned no answer. So I tried another subject. "What a fine fellow your brother is!"

In peace-time, or in harbour, or in fine weather at sea, no such teasing interference is likely to arise; but in war, and on board a cruising ship, the public service frequently calls a ship's company to exchange their Bibles and Prayer-books for the sponges and rammers.

In defence of these same members of the local and general ecclesiastical body he was obliged to resent the attempted interference of two kings of the realm. Henry I. wished to fill his pockets by imposing fines upon the clergy.

The inexhaustible patience with which Truinet proceeded from one change to another in order to satisfy my requirements, even with regard to the musical fitness of the version, won my sympathy for this last collaborator. From this time forward we had to keep Lindau away from the slightest interference in this new modelling of the 'book. He had been recognised as quite incompetent.

He had met them the night before, and they had together laid a plot for nullifying Clare's interference with Marway's scheme which his friends also had reason to wish successful, for Marway owed them both money. Clare had come in the way of all three. Now little Ann was a guardian cherub to the object of their enmity, and he and she must first of all be separated.

Well, the moon, though there is a man in it, was, shall I say, too large, too obviously itself, to deceive the Imperial eye. We left the recluse in the moon alone, to smile in dreary solitude; interference with him would spoil the moonshine. Week ending 13th January, 1900

She came to this house to entreat my husband's interference, and before I could be aware of it, everything that you could wish to be concealed was known to him, and unluckily she had wormed out of Mainwaring's servant that he had visited you every day since your being in town, and had just watched him to your door herself! What could I do! Facts are such horrid things!

May every one of you be food for the fish before many days are over!" No one pitied the old pirate, and he was allowed to rave on without interference. The frigate tore through the water the breeze was freshening. This was all in her favour. Still the British ships were coming up fast; the leading frigate began to fire her bow chasers, but the shot fell short. She waited for some time.

Within an hour came the answer that the lady was under the royal protection, and that a guard had been sent to escort her and her party and to keep her safe from interference of any sort; also, that for her greater comfort, quarters had been prepared for her in a fortress outside of Seville, which would be watched night and day, and whence she would be brought to the court.

But Jonathan fell the victim of that refined policy to which he was mainly indebted for his elevation. He left the sovereign priesthood to his brother Simon, who, wisely abstaining from all interference in the disputes which embroiled Egypt and Syria, directed his whole attention to the improvement of the Jewish kingdom.