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On one I will drive Nunaga away to the far-south, where the Innuit who have much iron dwell. On the other you will follow. We will live there for ever. They will be glad to receive us." "But but " said Ippegoo hesitatingly, and with some anxiety, for he did not like to differ on any point from his master "I cannot leave my my mother!" "Why not?" "I suppose it is because I love her.

Most northerly of all was the great tribe of the Eskimos, who were found all the way from Greenland to Northern Siberia. The name Eskimo was not given by these people to themselves. It was used by the Abnaki Indians in describing to the whites the dwellers of the far north, and it means 'the people who eat raw meat. The Eskimo called and still call themselves the Innuit, which means 'the people.

The White Man, whom ye have chosen to call the Wolf, came among you with fair words. He was not like the Innuit; he spoke not lies. He came as a friend, as one who would be a brother. But your men have had their say, and the time for soft words is past. 'First, I will tell you that the Shaman has an evil tongue and is a false prophet, that the messages he spake are not those of the Fire-Bringer.

A strong desire to travel to the south became again prevalent among the Esquimaux in the summer of 1791; they said one could get a large boat there for a small price, and plenty to eat, as the Europeans caught the seals in nets and gave away the flesh for nothing, and they gave them also bread and rum at a low rate, and all this was good for the Innuit.

"He says he is an I-Knew-It, and I believe him," said Stacy Brown with emphasis. "An Innuit, you mean," corrected Tad. "That's it, an I-Knew-It, and that's what I did " "There he comes," cried Walter.

It was a MUCLUC of the Innuit pattern, sewed together with sinew threads, and devoid of beads or furbelows. But it was the skin itself that was remarkable. In that it was all of half an inch thick, it reminded me of walrus-hide; but there the resemblance ceased, for no walrus ever bore so marvellous a growth of hair.

"I think," was the reply, "that it proves itself the greatest of luxuries by punishing over-indulgence in it with the greatest amount of pain." "Umph!" remarked Yim, who was listening, "Big fire, goot. Baby fire, more goot. Innuit yamp mos' goot of any." "Oh, pshaw!" retorted Cabot, "your sooty little lamp isn't in it with a blaze like that."

He wasn't even hungry. It did little credit to his heart, but he seemed more in haste to leave his new friends than the least friendly of them would have expected. "Oh, wait a sec.," urged the deeply disappointed Boy. "I wanted awf'ly to see how your sled is made. It's better 'n Father Wills'." "Humph!" grunted Nicholas scornfully; "him no got Innuit sled."

"The practice of preserving the bodies of those belonging to the whaling class a custom peculiar to the Kadiak Innuit has erroneously been confounded with the one now described. The latter included women as well as men, and all those whom the living desired particularly to honor.

The Eskimo looked at his companion, supposing that he might be jesting, but seeing that he was quite grave and earnest, he rejoined in an undertone "Then my thoughts have been wrong." "In what respect, Angut?" "It has often come into my mind that the greatest fools in the world were to be found among the Innuit; but there must be greater fools in the lands you tell of."