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Supposing your idea's right though it isn't it only shows the man as a disgusting coward." There was no gainsaying this; and Bella was crushed and humiliated. She had already seen Gladwyne's weakness, and after the choice she had been compelled to make between him and her brother, she had tried to drive all thought of him out of her mind.

If this fundamental principle could be investigated by responsible scientists, unhampered by theological influences, and with no prejudice as to the idea's being regarded as a mere culte, its exactness could perhaps be mathematically proved beyond a cavilling doubt. Possibly then the doctrine might be allowed to be taught in the public schools, to the everlasting benefit of the growing race.

Bud scowled and turned toward him a belligerent glance, and the man stopped laughing as suddenly as he had begun. "If you've got money to throw to the birds, brother, I guess I won't make the proposition I was going to make. Thought I could talk business to you, maybe but I guess I better tie a can to that idea." Bud grunted and put the ten dollars in his pocket. "What idea's that?"

"This is your idea, Pinkerton!" I cried. "Yes. They've lost no time; I'll say that for them not like the Fraud," said he. "But mind you, Loudon, that's not half of it. The cream of the idea's here: we know our man's sick; well, a copy of that has been mailed to every hospital, every doctor, and every drug-store in San Francisco."

'I dare say! thought Aratov; 'that idea's a little too late, my good friend! 'What is wrong with Yasha? queried Platonida Ivanovna, as she slipped a three-rouble note into Paramon Paramonitch's hand in the doorway.

'I've got a little trifle here, now, said Mr Slum, taking off his hat which was full of scraps of paper, 'a little trifle here, thrown off in the heat of the moment, which I should say was exactly the thing you wanted to set this place on fire with. It's an acrostic the name at this moment is Warren, and the idea's a convertible one, and a positive inspiration for Jarley. Have the acrostic.

"Oh, my journalistic sense is still susceptible enough and the idea's picturesque, I grant you: asking the man who proved your alibi to establish your guilt." "That's it that's it!" Granice's laugh had a ring of triumph. "Well, but how about the other chap's testimony I mean that young doctor: what was his name? Ned Ranney.

"Stage slang; would you be willing to go on as a minor character wear fine clothes and be looked at without saying much at first, you know? Or of course your idea's to star-you got a backer?" "I don't understand that, either." "Some one to pay the bills while you're being taught. To hire a company and a theatre as a gamble." "Impossible! I want money at once.

"If you SHOULD wish still to wait, I would engage she shouldn't see me." "No, no: it's the place itself. She must leave it." She held me a moment with heavy eyes, then brought out the rest. "Your idea's the right one. I myself, miss " "Well?" "I can't stay." The look she gave me with it made me jump at possibilities. "You mean that, since yesterday, you HAVE seen ?"

"His health is really not so bad, but," he gave a glance round the company, as though inviting their understanding, "he insists that he's not the man he was." "Absurd!" smiled Naylor. "Not much older than I am, is he?" "Only just turned seventy, I believe. But the idea's very persistent." "Hypochondria!" snapped Miss Delia. "Not altogether. I'm afraid there is a little real heart trouble. Dr.